Medical Information Systems


To endow the students with knowledge about the organization of medical information, the creation and exploration of data analysis tools and computer aided diagnosis, the easy and efficient access to the information and the sharing of this information between medical entities, the standards for electronic health record, the basic techniques for the creation of clinical databases, the basic principles of the Internet and its influence in healthcare, the telehealth techniques and the design of decision support systems

General characterization





Responsible teacher

André Teixeira Bento Damas Mora


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



The student must have acceptable knowledge about computer programming (preferably HTML and C/C++ or C#).


Enrico Coiera (2003). “The Guide to Health Informatics”-2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.

J.van BemmelM.A. MusenMark A. Musen (Eds). “Handbook of Medical Informatics”. Springer Verlag.

Teaching method

Lectures introduce the concepts and present problems that are solved in the classroom with students participation. In practical classes the first half of the semester students develop small projects that include the design of an online medical information system. In the second half of the semester, students will learn how to build automatic classifiers using different techniques.

The design of a complete online medical information system serves for students to consolidate the theoretical concepts introduced over the course. Here are presented the requirements of a system for storage and retrieval of medical information that includes a decision support module and students will design and implement an online application that meets these requirements. Weekly questionnaires in Moodle oblige students to continuously follow the material throughout their teaching and are normally very well received by students.

Evaluation method

Evaluation method:

  • 60 % Theoretical component
      • 0,75 * GTT + 0,25 GTM
      •  GTT = Average grade of 2 tests or Exam

      •  GTM = Moodle Theoretical grade

        • average grade of 9 moodle tests of a total of 10
        • Moodle tests are to be done outsitde classes
      • Conditions: GTT >= 9.5 e GTM >= 9.5

  • 40 % Pratical component
    • 75% - 1st Project
    • 25% - 2nd Project


     Final Grade = (0,75 * GTT + 0,25 GTM) * 0,6 + ( PPG1 *0,75 + PPG2 * 0,25 ) * 0,4  


  • A penalty of 1 value per day of delay in the delivery of practical 
    work is considered
  • It is necessary to have a grade of not less than 9.5 in both practical 
    and theoretical components
  • Knowledge assessment tests and exams will be in person and without 
    consultation. Students who take remote assessment tests (tests or examss
    (because they have an officially recognized status that allows them to
    do so) may be called upon to defend the grade obtained in an oral
    discussion with teachers that will be carried out in person or remote
    according to the circumstances
  • The tests carried out remotely will be considered with consultation
    for what they will have stated appropriate to the circumstances.

Subject matter

Computer communication
 - serial communication
 - parallel communication
- data networks
Online systems technology
 - PHP
 - Data bases (SQL)
Decision support systems
- Deduction, abduction and induction
- Logic and probabilities
- Bayes Theorem
- Baysean classifiers
- Nearest neighbour classifiers
- Decision trees
- Neural networks
- Genetic algorithms
- Fuzzy classifiers
Data representation standards for medical information
Medical information sharing
Data security
Ethical issues on medical information systems
 Internet and health


Programs where the course is taught: