Urban Wastewater Systems


This course will familiarize students with the complex infrastructure used to meet human demands, namely the wastewater existing treatments and future uses, in resource perspective - Water; This course aims also to provide students with tools to meet UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 (ODS 6) - Clean Water and Sanitation.

It will be discussed the recent approaches to water, energy and other resources recovery from wastewater streams; competing uses and demands; trends and forecasting; costs; regulatory; risk analysis.

This course will also include a quantitative overview of wastewater contaminants and their engineering control, monitoring and removal existing technologies.

Ecological engineering approaches for treating contaminated water using natural processes to improve water quality. Emphasis on combining basic science and engineering approaches to understand the fundamental processes that govern the effectiveness of complex natural treatment systems. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Leonor Miranda Monteiro do Amaral, Rita Maurício Rodrigues Rosa


Weekly - 2

Total - 28

Teaching language



Available soon


T. Koottatep; P. E. Cookey; C. Polprasert - Regenerative Sanitation: A New Paradigm for Sanitation 4.0 – 2019 –– IWA - ISBN: 9781780409672


Robert Bos. Manual on the Human Rights to Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation for Practitioners - 2016 – IWA - ISBN13: 9781780407432 - eISBN: 9781780407449


D. M. Robbins; G. C. Ligon - How to Design Wastewater Systems for Local Conditions in Developing Countries – 2014 – IWA -ISBN13: 9781780404769 - eISBN: 9781780404776

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Wastewater characterization (domestic, urban and industrial).

Conventional wastewater treatment typologies.


Future / recent approaches to wastewater uses.

Centralized versus decentralized systems.

Low cost treatment systems and possible application in developing countries.

Energy demand in wastewater treatment and transport – how to measure it – several approaches.

Emergent compounds present in wastewaters, future challenges - namely reuse.

ODS 6 - Clean water and sanitation - relate this ODS to the knowledge acquired previously.


Programs where the course is taught: