Logic Systems
Describe digital systems through Boolean algebraic expressions, truth tables and schematics.
Specification, synthesis and implementation of combinatorial circuits, modules and binary arithmetic.
Specification, synthesis and implementation of sequential circuits using state diagrams.
Structured specification and implementation of low / medium complexity digital systems: decomposition into data and control parts.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Filipe Santos Gomes
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
No requirements.
Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design - Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle,
J. David Irwin, Bill D. Carroll - Prentice Hall - ISBN 0-13-463894-8
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals - M. Morris Mand, Charles Kime -
Prentice-Hall - ISBN 0-13-182098-2
Digital Design - Principles and Practice - John F. Wakerly - Prentice-Hall -
ISBN 0-13-082599-9
**** In Portuguese:
Circuitos Digitais e Microprocessadores - Herbert Taub - McGraw-Hill - ISBN
Teaching method
Theoretical classes. Practical classes with laboratory work, and a final design / implementation project.
Evaluation method
1st test: 30% in the final grade
Summative (questions in moodle) in most weeks to support preparation of the labs (10% in the final grade)
2nd test 30% in the final grade; minimum grade on this evaluation 9.5 values
Group work; 30% in the final grade; evaluation based on implementation, report and discussion of work; minimum grade in this evaluation 9.5 values.
Exam can be performed as an alternative to the tests, having a weight in the final grade of 60% (according to evaluation regulation), keeping the minimum grade of 9.5.
Theoretical part performed in the previous two years is equivalent to the exam.
Practical part - group work in the previous two years is equivalent to group work.
Summative part performed in the previous two years is equivalent to summative part.
The scores for the various parts are given with two decimal places and the result is calculated on the basis of the weighted average according to the indicated weights.
Subject matter
(Final exam and 1st test)
• Boolean algebra: Theorems; Truth tables.
• Logical functions: Canonical representations; Function minimization; Karnaugh maps; Quine-McCluskey method.
• Numerical systems: conversions.
• Binary arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction; Two''''''''''''''''s-Complement; One''''''''''''''''s-Complement; Multiplication and division.
• Basic Combinatorial Circuits: Comparators; Encoders and decoders; Code Converters; Multiplexers and demultiplexers.
(Final exam and 2nd test)
• Memory elements: Concepts of latch and flip-flop; Flip-flop JK, D and T.
• Sequential circuits: Synchronous and asynchronous circuits’ concepts; Registers. Counter design.
• Synchronous state machines: State diagrams; Moore and Mealy circuits; Synthesis.
• Specific devices: Memories; Programmable logic devices.
• Introduction to register transfer architectures: decomposition in control and data parts; introduction to microprocessors.
Programs where the course is taught: