Architecture and Urbanism
Understand and interpret of the concepts and principles of Architecture and Urbanism;
Recognize the history of Architecture and cities and its relationship with the evolution of societies;
Interpret the conception of Architecture and its relationship with the Civil Engineering;
Know the applicable law;
Participation in urban projects.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Catarina Pinto de Sousa da Cruz Lopes, Armando Manuel Sequeira Nunes Antão
Weekly - 4
Total - 66
Teaching language
Students must have successfully completed the courses of Technical Design (DT) and Computer Aided Design (DAC).
Benevolo (1990) As Origens da Urbanística Moderna. Lisboa: Ed. Presença
Ching (2011) Representação Gráfica em Arquitetura. Barcelona: Bookman
Choay (2002) O Urbanismo. S. Paulo: Editora Perspectiva
Conran (2009) Eco House Book. Londres: Conran Octopus
Edwards (2005) Guía Básica de la Sostenibilidad. Barcelona: GG
Gonçalves & Graça (2004) Conceitos Bioclimáticos para Edifícios em Portugal. Lisboa: INETI
Janson (1989) História da Arte. Lisboa: Fund. Calouste Gulbenkian
Jourda (2009) Pequeno Manual do Projecto Sustentável. Barcelona: GG
Lewis (1998) A Cidade na Historia. S. Paulo: Martins Fontes
Llera (2006) Breve História da Arquitectura. Santa Iria Azóia: Editorial Estampa
Neufert (2016) Arte de Projetar em Arquitetura. Barcelona: GG
Regulamento Geral das Edificações Urbanas (2009) Porto: Porto Editora
Tirone & Nunes (2007) Construção Sustentável. Lisboa: Tirone Nunes
Zevi (2009) Saber Ver a Arquitectura. Martins Fontes
Teaching method
Oral theoretical lectures.
Practical lessons in the lab with practical group work and individual research.
Evaluation method
This course adopts the continuous evaluation method.
Frequency is obtained with the presence and participation at a minimum of 2/3 of the practical classes.
The practical component of the course is assessed by a set of practical assignments (TPI - 10%+TPA - 30%+TPU - 30%). Students who fail to deliver TPA and TPU will automatically be rejected for lack of attendance. The practical assignments (TPA and TPU) will be executed in person, but can be complemented outside the practical classes.
The theoretical component is evaluated through two tests (TT1 - 15%+TT2 - 15%). The tests will be performed in person.
Students approved and with frequency in the practical component of the course, but who aren’t approved in the theoretical evaluation have access to a written exam.
Students who are not aproved in the practical component automatically fail.
Subject matter
Awareness of the future Civil Engineer for architecture and Urban Planning;
Understanding the architectural space;
Understanding models and architectural styles throughout history;
Historical evolution of cities and Urban Planning;
Approach to Architecture as inseparable discipline of Engineering;
Awareness to sustainability;
Understanding the applicable legislation;
Graphic representation;
Main concepts of Urban Planning;
Major urban problems.