Project and Workshop
The goals of this course are: To design, write, manage, build and present a free-theme project.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Mauro António Moreira Guerra
Weekly - 1
Total - 40
Teaching language
There are no previous requirements for this course.
Project Management for Scientists and Engineers
By: Merrie Barron, Andrew R. Barron, Connexions (opensource)
By John H. Moore, Christopher C. Davis, Michael A. Coplan and Sandra C. Greer
Cambridge University Press, Jun 2009 | Edition: 4
ISBN-13: 9780521878586
Teaching method
The training provided in this curricular unit is given in the form of theory-practical classes as well as workshop tutorials. During the semester, the students carry out the preparation leading to the design, realization and presentation of an engineering project with tutorial follow-up.
Evaluation method
According to the institution grading regulation "Regulamento de Avaliação da FCT" (Aproved by the Executive Council on 8-6-2015), the grading in the curricular unit "Projecto e Oficinas" is framed in the type "Laboratorial or Project".
The evaluation is composed by the folloing components:
- Execution of a project (content, performance and assiduity) - 50%
- Written reports (proposal, statement of work, final) - 40%
- Oral presentations - 10%
Subject matter
In this course, the students will acquire the basic skills that are necessary for the design, writing, execution and presentation of a research or engineering project.
In a broad way, the work that will be developed can be structured according to the following set of activities:
- Concepts
- Project management
- Written and oral communication
- Mechanical development
- Workshop practices
- Mechanics
- Digital design
- Metalwork
- Electronics
- Project
- Donception
- Documentation
- Execution
- Presentation