Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering introduces concepts of the different types of materials to the 1st year students of the Materials Engineering degree. Throughout the graduation course, these materials will be studied in detail.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Pedro de Sousa Oliveira, Maria do Carmo Henriques Lança
Weekly - 3
Total - 48
Teaching language
Knowledge of Physics, Chemistry and Maths fundamentals.
- "Principles of Materials Science and Engineering", William F. Smith, 3rd Edt., McGraw-Hill International , New York, USA, 1996.
- "Materials science and engineering : an introduction ", W. D. Callister, 8th edt. Wiley, New York, USA, 2010.
Teaching method
Theorical lectures (presenciais).
Visits or videos about the DCM Labs or videos concerning important topics in Materials Science and Engineering.
Attendance to seminaries presented by DCM professors and by former students (now working in the industry).
Laboratory sessions.
Evaluation method
Continuous evaluation:
Mandatory attendance of lab classes and seminaries.
1 mini-test (T) - Date to be defined
4 quizzes (Q) - about the lab visits or the videos shown in the lectures (on the day of he class)
1 monography (M) - on a topic addressed on the seminars (and chosen by the teacher and due date to be defined);
1 laboratory session report (RT) + discussion (D) = TP (report due date to be defined).
To pass the course is needed to:
Mandatory submission of the monography and report and attendance of the discussion;
TP = 0.6 RT + 0.2 D + 0.2 Q score a mark equal or superior to 10
Final Mark (FM) score a mark equal or superior to 10
FM = 0.35T + 0.3M + 0.35TP
In case the FM is less than 10, the student can take a final exam (E) and, in this case, to pass the course
FM = 0.35E + 0.3M + 0.35TP greater than or equal to 10 values.
Subject matter
- Introduction: Importance of materials in the nowadays society;
- Atomic structure and atomic bonding;
- Fundamentals (optical, electrical, structural and chemical) of:
- Metallic materials;
- Ceramics;
- Semiconductors;
- Polymeric materials;
- Composites;
- Biomaterials.
- Processing.
- Selection.
- Applications.