Thermodinamics of Processes


Knowledge: Concept learning related to basic Thermodynamics and aspects of Thermodynamics relevant to Material Science; Correct Physics terminology; Introduction to metrology (measurement, data analysis; uncertainties); Familiarization with instrumentation.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Alberto Dias


Weekly - 4

Total - 63

Teaching language



Approval in the subjects "Análise Matemática I" and "Física I" is recommended.


Introduction to the Thermodynamics of Materials, David R. Gaskell, Taylor & Francis ed. Fundamentals of Physics; Halliday/Resnick/Walker
Notes on Thermodynamics

Teaching method

The course is divided into two components: theoretical and practical. Theoretical classes take place in 2 weekly sessions of 1.5h/1h and include problem solving. The practical classes, with a workload of 2 hours every two weeks, are divided into problem classes and laboratory classes. In the first, some problems of the series are performed, as well as, in two moments of evaluation, two problems for grade.
In laboratory classes, experimental work is carried out in order to monitor and verify physical phenomena and processes described in theoretical classes and to develop skills in laboratory setup and experimentation. In addition to the problems for grades and the reports to which a practical grade will correspond, students take two assessment tests and/or an exam to obtain a theoretical grade. The final grade is given by the sum of 70% of the theoretical grade and 30% of the practical grade.

Evaluation method

Article 1 - Theoretical Component - T
1. Active participation in class requires enrollment in the theoretical shift, T.
2. The assessment of this component is carried out through a knowledge test or exam.
3. Within the scope of continuous assessment, 2 tests will be carried out throughout the semester.
4. The T component classification (CT) is the arithmetic mean, rounded to the nearest unit, of the marks obtained in the tests or the final exam classification.
5. The student who obtains a CT classification equal to or greater than 10 values obtain approval in the theoretical component.

Article 2 - Theoretical-Practical Component - TP
1. Theoretical-practical classes are mandatory, with registration of attendance, for all students who did not attend in the previous year.
2. Justification for fortuitous absences is not accepted. Each student must manage the possibility of not attending 1/3 of the classes, due to occasional commitments or imponderable situations, including specific situations of illness.
3. Students with attendance obtained previously are excluded from TP classes.
4. In these classes, problems will be discussed and solved on the subject taught in the theoretical classes.
5. The evaluation of the theoretical-practical component (CTP) is the arithmetic mean, rounded to the nearest unit, of the two best classifications obtained in the mini-tests that will be given randomly in the theoretical-practical classes. Absences from mini-tests correspond to a grade equal to zero.

Article 3 - Practical Component - P
1. Practical classes are mandatory for attendance. Students are often excluded from this component.
2. Practical classes last 2 hours and will work every other week; except for the first class which works simultaneously for both shifts.
3. In the first practical class of each shift, laboratory work groups are formed (2 students per group); a review of the analysis of results is carried out; and the planning of practical classes is presented.
4. The execution of each laboratory work and respective mini-report is classified from 0 to 20 points. Absence from class or non-delivery of report is scored with zero values.
5. The student who obtains an average grade in the mini-reports, MR, rounded to the nearest unit, greater than or equal to ten values, is approved in the laboratory component.
6. Students approved in the laboratory component have access to a practical test, Tp, at the end of the semester, individually and without consultation, which may involve questions from all the work planned for their group and the contents related to the analysis of results.
7. The practical component grade, CP, rounded to the nearest unit, is 70% of the MR grade plus 30% of the grade obtained in Tp.

Article 4 - Attendance
1. The student who participates in at least 2/3 of the TP classes and obtains approval in the P component, obtain frequency in this Curricular Unit (UC).
2. The attendance obtained is valid this year in this UC. A student often cannot enroll in P shifts or TP shifts.
3. The list of students with attendance in previous years will be on CLIP under "Support Documentation > Others, until the end of the first week of classes.

Article 5 - Approval
1. The student with frequency and who obtains a CT grade greater than or equal to ten values, obtain approval in this UC.

Article 6 - Final Classification
1. The final classification (CF) in this UC is the result of applying one of the following expressions, approximated to the unit:
CF = CT×0.6 + CTP×0.1 + CP×0.3    # for students who obtain attendance in 2022-2023
CF = CT×0.7 + CP×0.3                       # for students attending before 2022-2023
2. If the final grade is higher than 16, the student is admitted to an additional test (eg oral).
3. In the additional test, the student can raise or lower his classification, with a guarantee of a minimum grade of 16 values.
4. The absence of the additional test translates the acceptance by the student of the final grade of 16 values..

Article 7 - Grade Improvement
1. The student who intends to improve his grade must fulfill, for this purpose, the legal formalities of registration.
2. The student who obtains a final grade, by improvement, greater than 16 values is subject to the conditions described in points 2, 3 and 4 of Article 6.

Article 8 - Conduct in Class
1. In order for everyone to benefit from the learning experience, every student is required to respect the following in class:
The. Punctuality: Must be present in the classroom at the start of class. The teacher may prevent entry for delays greater than 5 minutes;
B. Class preparation and participation in discussions: Active participation requires each student to prepare the material presented and discussed in class, and to contribute positively to the scientific discussions of the topics.

Article 9 - Tests and Examination
1. Each test will essentially cover all the subjects taught in Theoretical classes until the class before the test.
2. Although the assessment in the tests is not cumulative, and due to the nature of the subjects covered in this UC, it is not excluded that an assessment element relies on knowledge regarding the subject assessed in a previous element(s).
3. The timetable and rooms for the tests and exams will be published in CLIP, on the day of the test.
4. Each student can only have with him/her during the assessment test:
A. Pen;
B. Identification document with photograph;
C. Scientific calculating machine, non-programmable and non-graphical.
5. During the tests, it is not allowed to consult any personal or other elements, beyond the form distributed with the test.
6. It is not allowed to unstaple the sheets of statements.
7. The race will be canceled if paragraphs 4, 5 or 6 are not satisfied.
8. Fraud situations, at any time of evaluation, will be treated as indicated in the regulation of knowledge evaluation of this Faculty.

Article 10 - Others
1. When contacting any teacher by e-mail, they must indicate in the “Subject” the following information: “TProcesses - Name – Student No. – Subject”.
2. Questions whose answers are included in the Assessment Method or on this UC page on CLIP are not answered.

Subject matter

1- Thermodynamics Concepts
2- First Law of Thermodynamics
3- Heat Transfer Processes
4- Second a Law of Thermodynamics
5- Power and Cooling Devices
6- Thermodynamic Potentials.
7- Process thermodynamics and the Third Law of Thermodynamics
8- Equilibrium thermodynamics
9- Thermodynamic Behaviour of Gases
10- Thermodynamic Behaviour of Solutions