Polymeric Materials I
The main goals of this curricular unit are: to introduce the theoretical, practical and laboratory concepts necessary to understand the mechanisms of formation of a polymer chain from different types of polymerization reactions; To teach how, in general, a polymer can be obtained experimentally, to hydrolyse, purify and quantitatively characterize the molecular structures of polymeric materials. On the other hand, this curricular unit aims at understanding the relations
between the molecular structure and the macroscopic properties of the Polymeric Materials, as well as the study of its main physical properties. The aim is to develop in students the ability to apply their basic physics-chemistry knowledge in the study of the main theories that describe the behavior of the polymers, as well as to apply mathematical knowledge in solving concrete problems that involve the applications of polymeric materials.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Helena Figueiredo Godinho, Susete Maria Brazão Nogueira Fernandes
Weekly - 4
Total - 64
Teaching language
There are no specific requirements, however, prior knowledge of organic chemistry and thermodynamics is advised.
“Chimie Macromoléculaire”, G. Champetier, vol.I, Hermann, Paris, 1970.
“Organic Chemistry of Synthetic High Polymers”, R.W. Lenz, Interscience, London, 1967.
“Laboratory Preparation for Macromolecular Chemistry”, E.M. Macaffery, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1970.
“The Chemistry of Polymers”, J.W. Nicholson, Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, 1991.
“Advanced Polymer Chemistry”, M. Chanda, Marcel Dekker, New York, 2000.
“Polymer Chemistry”, P.C. Hiemenz, T.P. Lodge, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, London, 2007.
"Introduction to Polymers", R.J.Young, Chapman and Hall, London, 1981
Polymer Science and Technology”, J.R. Fried, Prentice Hall PTR (Eds), 1995
Polymers: Polymer Characterization and Analysis”, Encyclopedia Reprint Series, J.I. Kroschwitz (Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, 1990.
Teaching method
The frequency of theoretical classes is optional. The practical classes are considered mandatory for attendance. The exposition of the material in the theoretical classes is done using a blackboard, animations, figures and diagrams in "data-show", and molecular models. The support material presented in “datashow” will be made available to students. Several laboratory works will be carried out showcasing the theoretical concepts presented. The final classification (NF) is calculated from NF=(T1+T2+NL)/3 or NF=(2E+NL)/3, T1 and T2 represent the marks obtained in the 1st and 2nd tests, respectively, E the grade obtained in one of the two final exams, and NL the laboratory grade. The student obtains approval in the subject if: frequency NL; T1, T2 and E greater than or equal to 8 values; NF value greater than or equal to 10 values. The final grade obtained corresponds to 30% of the theoretical-practical grade and 70% of the frequency grade.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of the curricular unit is divided into two components.
- Theoretical tests (T)/Exam
- Mini-tests (P) +Presentation(s) (P)
Attendance to the subject is determined by presence in laboratory classes (including those that will be given in the classroom), that is, all these classes are mandatory.
The final grade (N) is a weighted average of the grades of all components according to:
N = 0.3 NP + 0.7 NT + X
On what:
NP is the average arithmetic grade obtained in mini-tests and presentations related to laboratory classes, including work developed in the classroom.
NT is the arithmetic average of the grade of the two theoretical tests obtained in continuous evaluation, or alternatively the grade of the exam.
X = [-1, 1] and depends on the participation of the student in laboratory classes, including classroom.
All grades are displayed between 0 and 20 values and NP and NT grades are rounded to the second decimal place. To pass the CU, the minimum grade for each of these components is 9.5 values.
Subject matter
Introduction to polymers: definition of polymer, structure of polymers. Thermoplastic, thermosetting polymers and elastomers. Examples and nomenclature.
Synthesis of polymers: polycondensation reactions, polymerization reactions, copolymerization reactions, polymer modification reactions.
Distribution of molecular masses. Determination of the average molecular mass by osmometry and other colligative properties. Determination of the viscosimetric average molecular mass.
Thermodynamics of polymer solutions. Theory of Flory-Huggins. Diluted polymer solutions. Theory of Flory-Krigbaum. Solubility of polymers.
Thermal, morphological and optical characterization of polymers.
Programs where the course is taught: