Physical Properties of Materials


To supply information about properties of the materials and how the structure, composition and morphology play a role on their final performances.

To define the selection criteria of the materials aiming their field of applications.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos Jorge Mariano Miranda Dias


Weekly - 4

Total - 70

Teaching language





Principles of Electronic Materials and Devices, Safa Kasap, MacGraw-Hill

Understanding Solids: The Science of Materials, Richard J. D. Tilley, Wiley

Properties of Materials, Mary Anne White, Oxford University Press, 1999

Electronic Processes in Non-Crystalline semiconductors, Mott and Davis, Oxford Press, 10979

Electronic Materials, L.A.A. Warnes, MacMillan Pub, 990

Introduction to Solid State Pysics , C. Kittel, Wiley, 1986,


Teaching method


Follow-up of students during problem solving and lab sessions.

Supplying to the students all study elements, which are available in the paper department web site.

Office hours available for individual or group discussions

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Thermal properties. Specific heat. Law of Dulong-Petit. Einstein model and Debye model of specific heat. Thermal conductivity and thermal expansion. Thermoelectric effects: Peltier, Seebeck and Thompson effects.

Electrical properties. Free electron model. Density of states and Fermi statistics. Thermionic effect, Field effect and Schottky effect. Theory of bands.  Intrinsic Semiconductors. Brillouin zones.

Optical properties: Optical properties of metals. Semiconductors of direct and indirect gaps. Inter- and intra-band processes. Photoconductivity, recombination and trapping. Excitons. Photoelectric emission. Luminescence. Acousto-electric effect. Semiconductor lasers.

Dielectric properties. Ionic and molecular conduction. Interfacial polarization, dipolar, ionic and electronic polarization. Ferroelectricity, piroelectricity and piezoelectricity. Electrostriction. Dielectric spectroscopy.

Magnetic properties. Basic concepts. Types of magnetism: diag-, para-, ferro-, anti-ferro and ferrimagnetism. Langevin and molecular field theories. Applications. Soft and hard magnetic materials.