Logical Systems I
Describe digital systems through combinatorial Boolean algebraic expressions, truth tables, and schematics.
Apply methodology for synthesis of combinational circuits. Convert numbers between different base numbering, such as decimal, binary, hexadecimal and octal.
Analyze methods of modular decomposition of combinational circuits, including circuits for binary arithmetic. Apply techniques for expeditious design of counters.
Apply methodology for synthesis of synchronous state machines, starting from state diagrams. Implement digital systems with low/medium complexity using its decomposition.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Pedro Alexandre da Costa Sousa, Ricardo Luís Rosa Jardim Gonçalves
Weekly - 4
Total - 63
Teaching language
1. Digital Logic Circuit Analysis & Design - Victor P. Nelson, H. Troy Nagle, J. David Irwin, Bill D. Carroll - Prentice Hall - ISBN 0-13-463894-8 2. Digital Design: Principles and Practice - John F. Wakerly - Prentice-Hall - ISBN 0-13-082599-9 3. Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals - M. Morris Mand, Charles Kime - Prentice-Hall - ISBN 0-13-182098-2 4. Circuitos Digitais e Microprocessadores - Herbert Taub - McGraw-Hill – ISBN 0-07-066595-8
Teaching method
Evaluation method
Theoretical evaluation:
2 tests each weighing 32.5% in the final grade. Minimum test average score is 9.5
Exam may be taken as an alternative to the tests, with a weight in the final grade of 65% minimum grade 9.5
Practical Evaluation:
Group work 35% in the final grade
In the case of passing tests, admission to the exam is an improvement and must be formally requested at the Faculty office.
Subject matter