Introduction to Telecommunications
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo da Costa Luís da Fonseca Pinto, Paulo Miguel de Araújo Borges Montezuma de Carvalho
Weekly - 5
Total - 65
Teaching language
Available soon
Paulo da Fonseca Pinto, notes from lectures, 2004/2005
Simon Haykin, Michael Moher, “An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications”, John Wiley, 2006
Ian Glover e Peter Grant, “Digital Communications”, Prentice-Hall, 1998
Andrew Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”, 4th Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2003
Teaching method
The course consists on two weekly sessions of theoretical-pratical seminars with the duration of one hour and half each (with 3 mini-tests during the semester). There is also a laboratory part with one weekly session of two hours. In the laboratory the students must perform 8 group projects (two students per group).
Evaluation method
Presencial tests/exams
Students with special covid status make online tests
Online tests are different of presencial tests, have different duration and higher grades need to be defended.
1. General Rule
The assessment includes a theoretical part and a laboratorial part.
* The student must have a minimum of 9.5 point in each part
* The final grade is weighted as follows:
75% for the theoretical part and 25% for the laboratorial part.
2. Theoretical Part
The assessment of the theoretical part can be distributed or centralized:
* Distributed assessment – consists on the execution of 2 mid-term tests.
On the date of the final exam it is possible to repeat one mid-term test upon professors'''''''' invitation. The theoretical grade is calculated using the following formula:
theor_grade = (1st test + 2nd test)/2
* Centralized assessment – consists on the execution of a final exam. In this case the theoretical grade is the grade of the exam. Students that opted by the distributed assessment can change to the centralized assessment any time during the semester.
2.1. Number of mid-term tests and exams
2 mid-term tests
1 Final Exam
2.2. Syllabus for each mid-term test
1st test – Introduction and Fourier analisys
2nd test – PCM, AM, DSB, PM, FM, Digital Modulations
3. Laboratorial Part
The laboratorial part consists on 6 works for assessment. The final grade of the laboratorial part includes the continuous evaluation of the student performance throughout the laboratorial sessions. The continuous performance assessment includes the advanced preparation of the each project and the distribution of the effort between the members of the group.
4. Control of the attendance to the laboratory
The attendance of the students to the laboratory is controlled. The following rules will apply:
1st miss – tolerated
2nd miss – the grade for the laboratorial part cannot be over 14
3rd miss – the grade for the laboratorial part cannot be over 12
4th miss – the students fails
5. Save of the final grade
If the student succeeds in the laboratorial part but fails in the theoretical part, the laboratorial grade can be used in the future for two scholar years. If the students does not succeed within this time frame (s)he will have to perform the laboratorial part again.
6. Admission to a Special Date of examination
The exam called “special date exam” can only be performed by those students who have a valid laboratorial grade.
7. Types of grades
* Ausente (Absent) A A student that did not subscribe the laboratory if (s)he has not a valid grade yet. Or the student that has a valid laboratorial grade but did not attend any exam.
* Excluído (Excluded) – E A student that stopped attending the laboratory (4 misses or over) *
Faltou (Missing) F A student that missed the sequence of mid-term tests, or miss the exam
* Reprovado (Fail) R A student that performed both theoretical and laboratorial parts but did not succeed to have the minimum grades that were demanded (in one of them or both).
* Aprovado (Approved) from 10 to 20 A student that succeeded in the course (both parts)
Subject matter
Discipline general overview
Signals and systems
Fourier analysis
Filtering and signal distortion
Spectral density and correlation
Pulse modulation
Delta modulation
Modulation techiques
Amplitude Modulation
Phase and Frequency modulations
Digital modulations