Electronics II


The course aims explain the operation complex electronic circuits: amplifiers, oscillators, analog filters, and signal converters. It is intended that the students learns how to use feedback in electronic circuits to design amplifiers, oscillators, and filters.

 The student will develop the ability to solve problems, work in a team and autonomously. Students also will learn how to improve their ability to manage the available time. Special attention is given to the ability of written and oral presentation of the work.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira


Weekly - 5

Total - 68

Teaching language





- M. M. SILVA, Introdução aos Circuitos Eléctricos e Electrónicos (2ª edição), F. C. Gulbenkian, Dezembro 2001.

- M. M. SILVA, Circuitos com Transístores Bipolares e MOS , F. C. Gulbenkian, Janeiro 2003.

- Sedra/Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press.

- B. Razavi, Fundamentals of Microelectronics, Wiley.

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical aspects of the subject are taught, along with the resolution of some exercises and examples. Students are randomly required to present the solution to the proposed problems, in the practical classes. Students are also required to implement the circuit calculations pertained to each laboratory session, before that session. A laboratory final project is elaborated.

Evaluation method

Final Grade: 70% testes/exame + 30% Lab. (minimum 9.5 val.)

Subject matter

1 - Frequency response: s-domain circuit analysis; Bode diagrams of amplitude and phase. 2 - Feedback theory: General structure of the feedback; properties of negative feedback; basic topologies of feedback (series-series, series-parallel, parallel-serial, parallel-parallel); closed loop gain; Effect of the poles in a feedback amplifier. Study of the stability based on Bode diagrams, definition of phase margin and gain; compensation of amplifiers. 3 - Oscillators and signal generators: Principle of oscillators, Barkhausen criteria; sinusoidal oscillator circuits, non-linear oscillators: multivibrators. 4 - Analog filters: Chebyshev and Butterworth approximations; biquadratic  discrete sections (Salen and Key, Rauch, etc). 4 – Signal Converters: analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters; sample and hold circuits.