

Students are supposed to learn about the experimental techniques developed in the last decades, concerning matter manipulation and characterization at the nanoscale, and the laws and theoretical models that rule science on such a scale, as well.


As a fundamental transversal engineering subject it is also focused on the applications of that knowledge to the so called "nanotechnologies", in developing new products and contributing for the resolution of problems involving industrial innovation.


General characterization





Responsible teacher

Rui Filipe dos Reis Marmont Lobo


Weekly - 2

Total - 25

Teaching language



Solid State Physics

Atomic and molecular Physics

Quantum Mechanics

Statistical Physics

Classical Physics


- Nanotecnologia e Nanofísica, Rui Lobo, Escolar Editora (Lisboa, 2009)

- Nanotechnology, Understanding Small Systems, Rogers-Pennathur-Adams, CRC Press (2008)

- Nanophysics and Nanotecnology, An introduction to Modern Concepts in Nanoscience, Wolf, Wiley-VCH (2004)

Handbook of Nanotechnology, B. Bhushan, Springer (2004)

Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, C. Bins, Wiley & Sons, New Jersey (2010)

Teaching method

The course will be given in english just in case Erasmus students are above 10%

Theoretical classes with data-show. Theoretical-practical classes with demonstration of experimental work and resolution of exercises.

Availability of the study material (Power Point)  in CLIP.

Evaluation method

(10% of the final grade). Launch of a theme, in the form of an oral presentation with a maximum of 10 minutes for each group (groups of 3 elements), to present in a practical class (May 15). It should focus on the scope of the theme that the group proposes to present in the seminar (at the end of the classes), and it will have to include two more relevant bibliographical references on which the group will base itself for the preparation of its seminar. If the teacher considers this exposition unfounded in order not to guarantee the future seminar, the latter will have to focus on a different theme. It is up to the groups to provide the written and/or multimedia means they deem necessary.

Seminar in Power Point to be presented by the group members in the last days of classes. Each group presentation will last 15 minutes (30% of the final grade). The Power Point will have to be sent in pdf to the teacher at least two days in advance for evaluation (10% of the final grade). It is up to the groups to provide the necessary multimedia means.

Two individual tests lasting one hour (50% of the final grade each). The use of graphical or programmable calculating machines in tests and exams is not permitted. A minimum score of 10 values is required for approval in the test.

Frequency: 2/3 of practical classes + oral presentation of a theme + final seminar.

The test and exam take place on dates announced in due course on this CLIP platform

Subject matter

Nanophysics: the core of Nanotechnology

Evolution of Nanotechnology: From Micro- to Nano-devices

The Quantum Nanoworld. Nano-Oscillators

Confinement and Electronic Density of States.

Artificial Atoms, Excitons, Quantum Corrals, Plasmons

From Quantum Wells to Quantum Dots

Cohesion, Van der Waals Forces and Hamaker Constant

Graphenes, Nanotubes and Fullerenes

Electronic and Heat Transport in Nanostructures

Self-Organization in Nanofilms and Micelles

Atomic and Molecular Clusters

Scanning Probe Microscopies

Operation Modes in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

Operation Modes in Atomic Force Microscopy

Physical Models of Static and Dynamic Operation

Optical Microscopy and Spectroscopy at the Nano-Scale




Programs where the course is taught: