KNOWLEDGE: Identify the causes and describe the mechanisms of syndromes and diseases relevant to technologic innovation. Describe and interpret the main methods of funcional evaluation
SKILLS: Develop the skill to work in multidisciplinary teams with health professionals.
COMPETENCES: Develop the ability to apply knowledge of pathophysiology to the devolopment of new technologies with relevance to the functional evaluation of diseases.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Manuel Barreiros Neuparth
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Not applicable
“Pathophysiology”, Damjanov WB, Saunders Co, 2008
Teaching method
Theoretical course
Thirteen Interactive theoretical sessions with students, face-to-face.
Practical course
It will consist of nine practical tutorial classes, three virtual visits to functional assessment laboratories and a face-to-face visit to a functional assessment laboratory, as detailed in “programmatic contents”.
Students will be divided into 4 practical classes with up to 15 students.
Each practical tutorial class will last 2 hours. The responsible teachers and class hours of each class will be:
Class 1 – Dr. Patrícia Santos – Tuesday, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Class 2 – Dr. Mário Jorge Silva – Tuesday, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Class 3 – Dr. João Paulo Delgado – Tuesday, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Class 4 – Dr. Mário Jorge Silva – Tuesday, 6,00 pm-8,00 pm
The laboratories will indicate possibilities for face-to-face visits during the respective periods, which are detailed below. Students must be distributed in due course to the periods indicated by the laboratory, so that each student during the semester visits one of the functional assessment laboratories in person.
Laboratory of Respiratory and Gastro-Intestinal Pathophysiology of the Center for the Study of Chronic Diseases NMS
Centro Alto Rendimento (Jamor)
Evaluation method
To pass the course, students must obtain a minimum of 10 values in the final evaluation and a minimum of 10 values in each component (theoretical and practical) of the final evaluation.
The final evaluation is obtained by the weighted average of two components - the practical evaluation and the theoretical evaluation. Each component contributes 50% to the final assessment.
The final grade will be given in values, rounded to units (14.499 = 14 values; 14.500 = 15 values).
The theoretical assessment will be obtained from two theoretical tests carried out during the semester. Each test will be done using a set of multiple choice questions, with 5 points and only one correct answer. Wrong answers do not discount.
The contents to be addressed are the contents covered in the theoretical classes preceding the tests.
The content of the first theoretical test will focus on the themes of the first 7 theoretical classes.
The content of the second theoretical test will focus on the themes of the last 6 theoretical classes.
The practical assessment results from the work developed by the student throughout the semester in the context of the practical course. It comprises summative assessment (continuous assessment) resulting from participation in practical classes and a test on virtual visits to functional study laboratories. A face-to-face visit to one of the functional assessment laboratories is also mandatory.
Each assessment element contributes the following proportion to the practical assessment: continuous assessment - 35%; test on laboratory visits - 15% (in a total of 50% of the final assessment).
Conditions for obtaining frequency:
To obtain frequency, students must cumulatively fulfill the following requirements:
- Attendance in 2/3 of practical classes;
- Positive evaluation (10 points) in the practical component (continuous evaluation + test on the visit to the laboratory).
The practical assessment scores and each assessment element are given on a scale from zero to twenty values and rounded to the nearest tenth.
Continuous assessment - This element will be assessed during practical classes and will depend on the student''''s participation in class activities including: a) demonstrated knowledge; b) the ability to identify learning needs; c) the ability to integrate knowledge from different fields; d) the ability to communicate ideas and develop bibliographic research strategies and; e) the formal presentation of a learning need in each case (two during the semester).
Test on visits to laboratories - In the practical course it is also planned to study virtual visits to functional assessment laboratories. The test to evaluate this component will be done using a set of multiple choice questions, with 5 points and only one correct answer. Wrong answers do not discount.
Resource assessment (including grade improvements) and season – Tests for these assessments will have a written component and an oral component for grading. The written component will be done using a set of multiple choice questions, with 5 points and only one correct answer. Wrong answers do not discount. These assessments will focus on the theoretical and practical contents of the Curricular Unit.
Subject matter
Theoretical classes:
Theoretical classes will take place on Tuesdays between 2 pm and 4 pm. Classes will take place in face-to-face format, unless further indicated. The following distribution is foreseen, which can be modified as necessary.
07/03/2023 – Presentation class. Introduction to the Problem Learning method (APP) applied to the teaching of Pathophysiology to students of the Biomedical Engineering Course - Prof. Nuno Neuparth
07/03/2023 – Pathophysiological changes in heart rhythm – Prof Hélder Dores
14/03/2023 – Pathophysiological changes in the heart pump – Prof Hélder Dores
21/03/2023 – Pathophysiological changes in coronary circulation – Prof Hélder Dores
28/03/2023 – Technology and cardiac function – Prof Hélder Dores
04/04/2023 - Pathophysiology of obstructive and restrictive lung diseases - Prof Pedro Martins
11/04/2023 - Pathophysiology of asthma - Prof Nuno Neuparth
18/04/2023 - Pathophysiology of cough - Prof Nuno Neuparth
02/05/2023 – Technology and respiratory function – Prof. Nuno Neuparth + Eng. Sara Lobo
09/05/2023 - Pathophysiology of gastrointestinal motility changes - Inês Canha
16/05/2023 – Gastro-esophageal reflux disease – Inês Canha
23/05/2023 - Physiological adaptations to exercise - Prof. john beckert
30/05/2023 - Technological aspects related to stress tests - Prof. john beckert
The assessment of the contents of the theoretical course will take place in two different moments (“theoretical tests”): the first in the middle and the second at the end of the semester.
Practical course:
The practical course includes 8 tutorial classes of 2 hours each, a face-to-face visit to a functional assessment laboratory, virtual visits to three functional assessment laboratories, and the respective assessments.
The practical tutorial classes will take place, in accordance with NOVAFCT''''s Management, in a face-to-face format, unless otherwise indicated by a superior. The following distribution is foreseen, which can be modified as necessary. Students will be divided into four practical classes, as described later in this document under “Teaching Methodologies”.
Presentation - 07/03/2023
Virtual visits to the laboratories - TBD
Case 1, 1st session - 14/03/2023
Case 1, 2nd session - 21/03/2023
Case 1, 3rd session - 28/03/2023
Case 1, 4th session - 11/04/2023
Case 2, 1st session - 18/04/2023
Case 2, 2nd session - 02/05/2023
Case 2, 3rd session - 09/05/2023
Case 2, 4th session - 16/05/2023
Students will also have practical training through visits to functional assessment laboratories, namely:
- three virtual visits, whose content will be evaluated through a specific practical test.
- a mandatory face-to-face visit to one of the functional assessment laboratories, within the availability indicated by each of the laboratories.
The laboratories will indicate possibilities for face-to-face visits throughout the respective periods, which are detailed below. Students must be distributed in due course to the periods indicated by the laboratory, so that each student during the semester visits one of the functional assessment laboratories in person.
- Centro Alto Rendimento (Jamor): 03-05/04/2023
- Laboratório de Fisiopatologia Gastro-Intestinal (NOVA Medical School): 22-26/05/2023
- Laboratório de Fisiopatologia Respiratória (NOVA Medical School): 29/05/2023-02/06/2023