Renewable Energy Technology


The goal of this course is to provide students with knowledge and tools to understand and intervene in the new paradigm of electrical generation, based on the integration of renewable energy sources and distributed generation.

 Understanding the issues and techniques regarding the reliable operation of the electrical energy system, and the impacts of the integration of renewable energy sources on the grid are also foreseen in the course.

 On the end of the course, students will be provided with advanced competencies on the following subjects:

- Knowledge of distributed generation technologies, particularly by renewable sources.

- Design of photovoltaic plants, with focus on the self-consumption paradigm.

- Technical issues and challenges concerning the integration of dispersed generation, namely from renewable sources.

- Energy estimation of photovoltaic and wind power systems.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Miguel Murta Pina


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



This course has as requisite not to be attending or have already attended the course "Design of Solar and Photovoltaic Plants", from the Master Course on Renewable Energy Engineering.


- Gilbert M. Masters, Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 2004.

- Planning and Installing Photovoltaic Systems: A Guide for Installers, Architects and Engineers, GREENPRO European Project, 2004.

- Chetan Singh Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamentals, Technologies and Applications, 2nd Edition, PHI Learning, 2011.

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment: theoretical-practical component + project.

Theoretical-practical component: three tests or one final exam.

Project: a workgroup (maximum three students - may change for ERASMUS students).

Final grade: averaged weight of tests (10% for T1, 30% for T2 and 20% for T3) or final exam (60%) and project (40%).

T1 and T3 are done remotely.

If T3 < 7, the final exam is mandatory.

Frequency: simultaneous verification of the three following conditions

  • A minimum grade of 10 in each component of the continuous assessment (weighted average of the tests or final exam grade; project grade).
  • Participation in eventual talks.
  • Participation in the demonstration classe(s).

Subject matter

- Distributed generation.

- The organisation of the electric energy system.

- Legislative framework of the electrical energy decentralized production.

- Economic evaluation of renewable energy investment projects.

- Renewable systems based on photovoltaic energy: design of stand-alone and grid-connected systems.

- Renewable systems based on wind energy: types of turbines, power control, energy estimation.