Nanocircuits and Analog Systems
Provide the student the ability to use analytical techniques in the design techniques of integrated circuits, including classical topologies and advanced amplifiers and analysis of transfer functions of circuits realized using switched-capacitor (SC) techniques.
Understanding CMOS technology, its potential and limitations. Learning the equations governing the MOS devices in its various operating regions, the optimal polarization schemes, as well as their small signals models at low and mid/high frequencies. Understanding body-effects, channel-modulation effects channel and short channel effects in MOS devices. Acquire the basics of noise in electrical circuits.
Learn how to analyze SC circuits in the discrete time domain and know how to analyze and design 1st order filters employing SC techniques. Understand the adverse effects associated with signal dependent charge-injection and clock-feed-through, as well as the techniques used to minimize them.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Carlos Palma Goes
Weekly - 4
Total - 52
Teaching language
Have been approved in the Course Units TCE (CEE), Electronics 1 and 2.
- [recomendado / recommended] David Johns, Ken Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design, 1997/2011, John Wiley & Sons.
- [opção 1 / option 1] Behzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, 2001, McGraw-Hill.
- [opção 2 / option 2] Willy Sansen, Analog Design Essentials, 2006, Springer.
- Diapositivos /slides disponíveis / available no / in Moodle.
Teaching method
In theoretical/practical classes (in a total of 14) the methodologies and techniques for circuit design are presented and explained in detail. Students attending these classes acquire theoretical concepts required to support the design of circuits. In each class, at least one practical example is given, illustrating the concepts and allowing a better understanding by students. The theoretical lectures focus on the presentation of methods and analytical tools required for the analysis and optimal design of CMOS amplifiers of moderate complexity, as well as, the analysis of switched capacitor circuits in either the time domain or frequency. They are often used slides but the resolution and analysis of circuits is always carried out, using the board, in great detail. Laboratory/Practical classes have a duration of 2 hours in each week (in a total of 12 classes). In about 25% of practical classes (3 classes in a total of 12) some problems associated with the theoretical material are solved by the students (except for the switched capacitor circuits that are covered exhaustively and exclusively in lectures). The remaining classes are usually dedicated to running the two laboratory work (lasting for several classes) where, in the second and last lab work, full autonomy is given to the students. |
Evaluation method
The final evaluation is calculated using the grades of two laboratory works carried out in groups of 2 students and the grades of either 2 individual ‘Tests’ (T) or a single final exam.
The tests will have different weights of 2/3 and 1/3, respectively for the 1st and 2nd.
The final grade (NT) is obtained using the average grade of the 2 lab. Works (NF) and either the weighted average of the grades of the 2 T (NT = 2/3*NT1+1/3*NT2) or the grade of the final exam (NE), accordingly to: NT = (0.3*NF+0.7* (NT ou NE)). Students are only approved if NF and NE is higher than 9.5 points (where NT_i >= 8.0).
Subject matter
The course is divided into 5 macro modules:
- CMOS Technology;
- Design of CMOS Amplifiers;
- Types of noise, sampled-noise (kT/C) and calculus of the excess noise factor of a CMOS amplifier;
- Analysis and design of switched-capacitor circuits in the discrete time-domain;
- Analysis and design of switched-capacitor filters.
Programs where the course is taught: