Radio-frequency Electronics
This course aims transmit to the students, knowledge in analysis and design of high frequency electronic circuits, with focus on radio frequency (RF) systems. The students, at the end of this course, should be capable to solve the problems associated to the project of RF circuits, and understand the basic techniques of project and implementation matching networks in printed circuit boards. The examples used are low noise amplifiers and oscillators.
The students will develop the skill to solve problems, work in a team and improve their capability to control the available time. Special attention is given to written and oral presentation of the work.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Augusto Bica Gomes de Oliveira
Weekly - 4
Total - 54
Teaching language
- Knowledge on electronics using transistos.
- Radio propagation
1- R. Ludwig, P. Bretchko, “ RF Circuit Design, Theory and Applications”, Prentice Hall, 2000
2- Pozar, David M., “Microwave Engineering”, Wiley International Edition, 2004
3- Gonzalez,Guillermo, “Microwave Transistor Amplifiers”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1997
4- Cripps, Steve C., “RF Power Amplifiers for Wireless Communications”, Artech House, 1999
Teaching method
The basic concepts and techniques of amplifiers, oscillators and filters are explained by lecturer in the theoretical-practical practical classes using slides, exercises and practical examples (updated annually).
Evaluation method
Exercises 10%
Lab. 90%
Subject matter
RF and microwave (MW) electronic system overview: Spectrum / frequency Bands; GSM/UMTS, satellite, microwave; High speed digital circuits; Introduction to passive and active RF/MW circuit analysis: Lumped parameters versus distributed parameters ; Passive components; Transmission Lines and Smith chart; Microstrip lines; Active components and S-parameters; High frequency transistors; Small signal RF/MW amplifiers: Small signal analysis; Stability; Power gains; Biasing; Matching networks and VSWR; Noise Factor; LNA design; High Power amplifiers: Large signal design ; Classes of amplifiers; Matching; Distortion analysis and dynamic range; Frequency synthesizers: PLL based synthesizer; High frequency oscillators