Preparation for the Dissertation


The Preparation for dissertation allows students to apply the acquired skills, combining them in the development of work of scientific or technological nature. This unit is intended to carry out the preliminary work leading to the R&D work and preparation of an original thesis; This includes developing the capacity to perform bibliographic search and elaboration of a report on the state-of-the-art in area of the work to be developed. The student should then start developing the R&D work, both supervised by the advisor and in autonomy, applying appropriate research methodologies, and the ability to develop work with a significant degree of originality.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Pedro Abreu de Oliveira


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 10

Teaching language



The Preparation for dissertation allows students to apply the acquired skills, combining them in the development of work of scientific or technological nature. This unit is intended to carry out the preliminary work leading to the R&D work and preparation of an original thesis; This includes developing the capacity to perform bibliographic search and elaboration of a report on the state-of-the-art in area of the work to be developed. The student should then start developing the R&D work, both supervised by the advisor and in autonomy, applying appropriate research methodologies, and the ability to develop work with a significant degree of originality.


Bibliography to be used depends on the research topics and his mostly recommended by the supervisors on case-by-case basis

Teaching method

The activities performed within this unit will be undertaken by the student in direct interaction with the supervisor and may include the frequency of specific seminars. Often the work is framed by research projects. During this semester (part-time) students must start the original research and development work. The evaluation of this unit is made together with the evaluation of the Dissertation Unit.

Evaluation method

The student will be evaluated by his supervisor together with other professors from the section, based on his work and report. The evaluation will have the objective of determining:

-If the student show that he produced an acceptable state of the art, identified the task required and made a reasonable plan. He can register for dissertation in the next semester

-If the student did not produce an acceptable state of the art, identified the task required and made a reasonable plan. He cannot register for dissertation and should repeat this course in the next semester


Subject matter

In this unit each student must perform its R & D work in accordance with the objectives set out in the dissertation proposal, approved by MIEEC Scientific Committee. In general, the work performed by the students may be structured according to the following set of activities:

-      Realization of the Bibliographic search

-      Elaborate a report on the state-of the art

-      Start developing the R&D work

In order to guaranty that all the students can achieve the proposed goals for this course, there are 4 hours of theoretical classes common to all the students, where relevant points will be presented and discussed:

Two hours weekly classes will be organized to present and discuss different subjects such as:

- Time management

- Supervisor/student relationship

- Scientific text editing

- Reference management software

- Scientific information search

- Scientific writing

- Tables and figures

- Plagiarism and intellectual property

- Typical dissertation structure

Individually, each student will have 2 hours of contact with his thesis supervisor where the elaboration of the state of the art and the planning of future work will take place.


Programs where the course is taught: