Electronics for Micro-systems


This course aims to reinforce an advanced knowledge in analysis and design of electronics systems and micro-systems for smart sensors and actuators nodes, covering both hardware and software components. This knowledge has to cover not only classical approaches but also has to include more recent and state-of-the-art configurations, demanding original and critical thinking, namely on smart sensing and actuating which is the modern basis of the internet of thigs (IoT).

- The student acquires the knowledge on modern reconfigurable electronic systems and their internal constitutions

- The student acquires skill and capacity of cross evaluating information coming from different sources.

- The student will also have to develop skills to work with the available circuit design frameworks, mathematical software and market consulting of available SOC and ICs.

- The students will develop the skill to solve problems and to address a complete project design.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Pedro Abreu de Oliveira


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Basic knowledge of circuit analysis, namely

  • KCL, KVL, Ohm''''s law
  • Thevenin equivalent
  • notion of power and energy 

Knowledge about electronics, namely,

  • passive components: resistors, capacitors, and coils
  • semiconductor-based components: diodes, transistor BJT, FET
  • amplifiers, OPAMPs, peak detectors
  • active analog filters

Basic notions of signal processing

  • Time and frequency response of an LTI system, continuous in time
  • Time and frequency response of an LTI system, discrete in time
  • filtering

Basics knowledge on programming.


- B. Razavi, “Fundamentals of Microelectronics, 2nd Edition”, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2013

- A. Hambley, “Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications, 7th Edition”, Pearson,2018

- D. Serpanos, M. Wolf, “Internet-of-Things (IoT) Systems”, Springer International Publishing, 2018

- C. BellMicro, “Python for the Internet of Things”, Apress, 2017

- J. Khan, M. Yuce, “Internet of Things (IoT): Systems and Applications”, CRC press, 2019

Teaching method

The exposition of the topics is done in theoretical classes, promoting the active participation of the students through the analysis and discussion of real cases. The explanation is supported in written information using a multimedia setup, with synchronized slides, multimedia components, in a dynamic way to achieve high degree of the student attention.

In total articulation with the theoretical classes, the practical classes are used for the laboratory experimentation of the theoretical concepts exposed, namely, the configuration and experimental characterization of a reconfigurable platform of the "Programmable System on Chip" (PSoC) type. In addition, these classes are used to carry out the overall design project of a digital transceiver. The student''''s assessment is supported on  problem solving individual assignments,  experimentation labs and one global project (to be executed in group of two elements).

Evaluation method

Problem Series (or quiz) individual 1:        S1 : 10%

Problem Series (or quiz) individual 2:        S2 : 10%

LAB1 : 15%

LAB2 : 15%

Project       PROJ : 50%

Final Mark = (S1+S2)*10% + (LAB1+LAB2)*15% + PROJ * 50%

Subject matter

- Introduction to electronic systems and micro-systems: objectives, applications and specifications; architectures; the internet of things (IoT).

- Signals and signal processing: signal types and main processing functions, analog versus digital.

- Design tools: simulation, development platforms and IDE, design of PCB boards.

- Digital processing modules: processors and microcontrollers, programmable logic platforms;

- Analog and mixed-mode processing modules: analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converter; amplifiers and programmable filters.

- Sensors and actuators: characterization and their integration into electronic systems

- Power and energy management: optimization of energy use in autonomous electronic systems; characterization of batteries and their charging

- Communications: between integrated circuits and long-distance radio

- Hybrid software-hardware design of a smart sensing and actuation system.