Analog Integrated Circuits


It is intended that the students learn problems, limitations and solutions (both, at circuit and system level) of the design of analog and mixed-signal circuits, in deep nanoscale CMOS technologies and operatins at very low supply voltages. and power management circuts in CMOS technology

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno Filipe Silva Veríssimo Paulino


Weekly - 4

Total - 44

Teaching language



Approval in the Courses of Nanocircuits and Analog Systems (NSA), and Electronics I and II.


[opção 1 / option 1] Andreia Baschirotto, Low-Voltage Analog CMOS Design in scaled CMOS technology (course slides)

-          [opção 2 / option 2] Willy Sansen, Analog Design Essentials, 2006, Springer.

IEEE data base

Teaching method

Theoretical exposition and analysis of case-studies: through a series of lessons (with profile working session) that promotes the participation of trainees. The exhibition is supported in written information on the blackboard, with synchronized slides. Multimedia components, including animations, as well  e-learning  from platform Moodle @ FCT.  Each topic is supported with the analysis of real cases.

Hands-on project.

Evaluation method

Evaluation Methods

 The stundents are evaluated based on two components: theory (T) and laboratory (T). The final grade is calculated using the formula Gf=0.3*T+0.7*P. The grade ranges from 0 to 20 values where 9.5 is considered a positive grade. In order to have a positive grade it is necessary for  and L to be greater than 9.5 values and T greater than 8 values.

 The students must have a positive grade in the lab components. This means that the student must do 2 lab projects and write the corresponding reports.

 The theory component is obtained either by a final exam or by 2 tests. The students cannot use any books or notes during the tests or exam, they can only use computing devices with a memory smaller than 1MB and without networking capabilities.

Subject matter

Introduction to the gm/ID design methodology for CMOS circuits

Thermal noise and power supply rejection noise analysis for CMOS circuits

Advanced topologies for amplifiers and comparators for low voltage operation

Bandgap circuits

Power management systems for SOCs

DC-DC conversion circuits using switched capacitors

Control circuits for DC-DC low power conversion circuits