Electrical Mobility


The aim is for students to gain knowledge in electric drive systems for railways and electrical vehicles, analyse the constraints of the systems and scale drive systems. Students should be able to identify the main solutions used in electric traction systems, make the calculation of fundamental quantities and scale components of electric traction systems.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Francisco Alves Martins


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



Knewlodge of electric theory, electric machines and power electronics.


Roger Kaller e Jean-Marc Allenbach (Vol. I e II) – Traction Eléctrique, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 1995

Roger Kaller, Pierre Chapas, Michel Comte e Jean-Marc Allenbach – Traction Eléctrique, Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes,  2008

Marcel Tessier – Traction Electrique et Thermo-Electrique. Ed. Scientifiques Riber, 1978

João Palma – Accionamentos Electromecânicos. Ed. Gulbenkian

Bimal Bose - Power Electronics and Motor Drives, Elsevier, 2006

Modern electric vehicle technology. C. C. Chan, K. T. Chau. New York : Oxford University Press, 2001

Theory of ground vehicles. J. Y. Wong, John Wiley & Sons

Teaching method

Concepts and techniques are explained, by the teacher, in theoretical classes. In practical classes students will test their knowledge by solving problems, laboratory essays and computer simulations.

Evaluation method

Students are assessed through three examinations (30% + 30% + 40%).

The exam will consist of three modules, each one equivalent to each of the tests. If the student chooses to be evaluated by exam, the following rule will apply: each module delivered at the exam replaces the grade of the respective test (even if the grade of that exammodule is lower than the respective test), and for each module not delivered (in the exam) the grade of the respective test will be counted. The percentage breakdown of the modules is the same as the tests.

Subject matter

Initial concepts of electric mobility.

Mobility patterns and different transportation energy scenarios.

Drive technologies used in electric mobility.

Railway traction. National and European network. Electrification. Motion equations and developed forces (dynamic movement). Calculation of fundamental quantities (rolling resistance, tractive effort, acceleration, speed, power and energy). Mechanical railway installations: catenary, pantograph and boogies. Locomotives’ classification.

DC and AC motors and control. Regenerative braking. Alternative techniques of motorization, linear motors and magnetic levitation.

Mechanical couplings (rigid and elastic). Speed gearboxes.

Electrical vehicles traction. Electric and hybrid vehicles. Motion equations and developed forces (dynamic movement).

Energy storage systems for electric mobility (H2, batteries and supercapacitors).

Electric mobility hubs. Renewables integration and energy routing.


Programs where the course is taught: