Water Treatment Experimental Laboratory


At the end of this curricular unit, the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and competences that allow him to understand in an applied way, on a laboratory scale, the concepts and theoretical training obtained previously in the CUs in the area of ​​Water Treatment

It is intended to enable students to carry out pilot-scale studies of various operations and unit processes used in water treatment systems, creating in the laboratory either replicas of real systems, or providing experimental methodologies that complement the analytical skills needed at the scale of operation.

Students will be able to identify, develop and conduct independent research, including fieldwork and laboratory research; as well as a series of tests that they will use in water treatment plants and that will give them the robustness of knowledge to investigate and help in decision support in regular situations as well as in less conventional ones.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Leonor Miranda Monteiro do Amaral


Weekly - 3

Total - 42

Teaching language





(APHA), AWWA), and WEF) (2012). Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd Edition. NewYork.

Drost, L.D. (1997) Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment, John Wiley & Sons.

Faust,S.D. & Aly, O.M. (1998) Chemistry of Water Treatment, CRC Press LLC

Forster, C. (2003) Wastewater Treatment and Technology, Thomas Telford Publishing

Gupta, R.S. (1997) Environmental Engineering and Science, Government Institutes, Rockville, USA

Jenkins, D. and Wanner, J. Eds. (2014) 100 years of activated sludge and counting. IWA Publishing, London, ISBN 9781780404936,

van Loosdrecht, M.C.M.; Nielsen, P.H.; Lopez-Vazquez; C.M;. Brdjanovic, D.– 2016 - Experimental Methods in Wastewater Treatment - IWA

Ramalho, R.S. (1977) Introduction to Wastewater Treatment Processes, Academic Press

Teaching method

Laboratory classes to encourage autonomy and initiative.

Evaluation method



1º  -  


2º -  


3º -  


4º -


Mini testes


See other specifications and details on the UC moodle page

Subject matter

Bench-scale test of activated sludge wastewater treatment: experimental determination of design kinetic parameters.

Biomass quantification and characterization techniques.

Respirometry tests with sludge and liquid effluents.

Flocculent and zoned settling test applied to biological treatment sludge.

Observation of a laboratory-scale wastewater treatment pilot unit consisting of an anoxic and an aerobic unit.

Physicochemical treatment for nutrient removal: coagulation/flocculation assay for phosphorus removal


Programs where the course is taught: