Dissertation on Building Rehabilitation
To correlate competences adquired in different courses along the degree.
Desenvolp complementary competences: experimental or numerical, discussion of results, bibliographic review, scientific writing, oral presentation of scientific results.
The publication of results of the dissertation work on scientific journals or conferences is strongly valorized in the public exam.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Available soon
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 28
Teaching language
The Dissertation can only be discussed with the adquired competences of the previous Learning Units of the Course.
To be defined case by case, function of the thesis theme.
Teaching method
There is a direct contact between the student and the dissertation supervisor(s).
The language can be Portugues or English. When defined between the student and the supervisor, the language can be French, Castellano, Italian, Romenian,...
Evaluation method
The evaluation is quantitatively defined after the dissertation oral exam with a jury.
The dissertation can be written in Portuguese or English (or other language if previously accepted by FCT NOVA).
Subject matter
Thesis working plan to be defined case by case, for each Student.