Climate Change and Agriculture


To understand how Agriculture is extremely vulnerable to climate change threatening global food security.

To recognize the main constraints to the food production.

To be able to develop critical suggestions to mitigate the injurious effects of climate change

To be able to acquire the necessary skills to introduce new and more adaptive crops.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fernando Henrique da Silva Reboredo


Weekly - 5

Total - 56

Teaching language



The students must have basic knowledgements of plant biology, plant physiology and biochemistry


IFPRI. 2009. Agriculture and Climate Change: An agenda for negotiation in Copenhagen, A 2020 vision for food, agriculture, and the environment. International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, G.C. Nelson ed., 28 pp., ISBN: 9780896296589

Kulshreshtha, S.N. & Wheaton, E.E. 2018. Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Change. 1st Edition, Sustainability (Special Issue) MDPI, Basel, 244 pp.

5. Deryng, D. (edit), 2020. Climate Change and Agriculture. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, 300 pp.,

IPCC. 2020. Climate change and Land. Summary for Policymakers. 41 pg.

FAO. 2021. Climate-Smart Agriculture: Case studies. 98 pp., Rome (Italy)

Teaching method

Theoretical lectures are held using data-show and e-learning methods (use of the Moodle platform). Theoretical-practical sessions consist of analysis and interpretation of case studies. The projects and/or works begin in theoretic-practical sessions through online research about the issues related with the Curricular Unit (CU), existing thereafter a continuous orientation by the Responsible. Students will have access to all the bibliography and materials (power-points, PDFs) used in the CU which will be put on a web-platform. The theoretical and theoretic-practical lectures are complemented with personalized attention in Tutorial classes, although the Responsible by the CU is always available for doubts and guidance aspects.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment in two components: theoretical (1 individual Test -  50% of the final classification) and theoretical-practical: (work development and oral presentation in ppoint and discussion - 40%+10% of the final classification).

Final rating: (0.50*Test) + (0.40*Written work) + (0.10*Oral presentation and discussion of written work). Approval requires a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20 values) for each component (theoretical-practical and theoretical).

Students without approval in the continuous assessment will be submitted to exam. Rating equal to 0.5*Exam+0.5*classification of theoretical-practical. Approval with a minimum grade of 9.5 (scale of 20 values)





Subject matter

Earth history and climate changes. Glaciations, inter-glacial periods and climate optimum.

Climate change and increased occurrences of extreme events - droughts and floods.

Climate changes and predictive models. The role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The importance of climate in agricultural production – consequences of the increase of temperature, water deficit and carbon dioxide, among others GHG.

Evaluation of the climate change impacts at the global level. Effects on the yield crops and forestry.

Mitigation and adaptive strategies

The SIAM model and the predictable effects on Portugal mainland

Policy implications and future research needs