Inorganic Chemistry I


The student should learn the contents of Inorganic Chemistry included in the program, to know how to do the experimental work and solve the proposed problems. The student should be able to work in group, to know how to interprete the results obtained in the laboratoryand to develop a capacity of observation and a critical and scientific spirit.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Jorge Dias Parola, Carlos Lodeiro Espino


Weekly - 4

Total - 112

Teaching language



Available soon


  • “Inorganic Chemistry”, D.F. Shriver, P.W. Atkins, Oxford 5th Edition. 2010.
  • "Inorganic Chemistry” C. E. Housecroft and A.G. Sharpe. Pearson. Prentice Hall. 3rd Edition. 2008.
  • "Inorganic Chemistry, Principles of Structure and Reactivity" J.E. Huheey, E.A. Keiter and RL Keiter, Harper Collins, 4th Edition, 1993.
  • "Inorganic Chemistry", K. F. Purcell and J. C. Kotz, Holt-Saunders International Edition. N.Y. 1977
  • “Chemistry of the Elements”, A. Earnshaw and N.N. Greenwood,Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd Edition, 1997
  • "Basic Inorganic Chemistry", F. A Cotton, G. Wilkinson and P.L. Gaus, John Wiley and Sons, N.Y. 3rdedition. 1995.
  • “Química Inorgânica Básica”, Ana M.V. Cavaleiro, Universidade de Aveiro, 3ª edição, 2004.

Teaching method

The theoretical lectures will be given with the help of the data show. Practical questions will be addressed to the students and solve during the lectures. Laboratory works will be preceded by a theoretical introduction before the practical work and followed by the writing of a mini-report about the work done. A web site with all the material for study of the subject will be avalaible.

Evaluation method


The Final Grade will be 25% (Practical Grade) + 75% (Theoretical Grade) 



Subject matter

Interest of Inorganic Chemistry. Definitions – coordination compounds, central element, ligand, number and coordination sphere. Types of ligands. Nomenclature rules of coordination compounds. Afinity of metals to ligands. Classification HSAB. Stability of coordination compounds. Chelating effect. Most probable coordination numbers. Isomery. Chemical bonding theories for coordination compounds: Valence bonding; Crystal field. Interpretation of magnetic properties, electronic spectra and thermodynamic properties. Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams.  Reactivity in Metal Complexes.


Programs where the course is taught: