Physical Chemistry I
In this Curricular Unit, Students will:
- Master basic concepts of quantum mechanics (quantization, Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics).
- Master calculation tools in quantum mechanics (normalization of the wave function, conceptual models in quantum).
- Deepen the understanding and analysis of Electronic Spectroscopy (Atomic and Molecular) and Vibrational Spectroscopy (Infrared and Raman).
- Understand the phenomena of Light Absorption and Emission.
- Know how to relate the structure of molecules and materials with the experimental results of optical spectroscopy.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
César Antonio Tonicha Laia, João Carlos dos Santos Silva e Pereira de Lima
Weekly - 4
Total - 83
Teaching language
- Basic knowledge of Calculus.
- Good knowledge of General Chemistry.
- Mastery of Classical Physics.
"Physical Chemistry", Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula, Oxford University Press, 9th edition or later.
Teaching method
- Online theoretical classes via Zoom
- Theoretical-practical classes, with problem solving
- laboratory classes
Evaluation method
- The frequency of the subject is obtained by performing all practical assignments with positive information (5) (previous preparation is required) and delivering the reports.
- Pratical Evaluation:
- 70% Reports of the 5 APs,
- 30% Oral Presentation of one AP.
- Theoretical Evaluation:
- Tests (3 tests): minimum 9.5 out of 20 (average value)
- Exam
Final Grade = 0,67 x Theoretical Grade + 0,33 Laboratory Grade
Subject matter
Origins of Quantum Mechanics
Black Body Radiation and Photoelectric Effect
Wave/Particle Duality
Schrödinger equation. Born''''s interpretation of wave function and normalization.
Heisenberg''''s Principle of Uncertainty and Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Applications of quantum mechanics: particle in a box, tunnel effect, vibrational motion. Quantum numbers.
Hydrogen atom structure.
Electronic transitions and transition rules.
Born-Oppenheimer approach.
Huckel''''s method. Aromaticity.
Electronic states of molecules and spectroscopy.
Fluorescence and Phosphorescence.
Vibrational Spectroscopy (Infrared and Raman).
Symmetry Elements.
Symmetry Applications in Vibrational Spectroscopy and Electronics.