Geographic Information Systems


It is intended that students are able to create, integrate and analyze geographic data in order to extract useful information for carrying out studies in the field of life sciences, namely, the evaluation and management of bio-resources.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria da Graça Azevedo de Brito


Weekly - 4

Total - 76

Teaching language



Not aplicable.


1 - João Matos. Fundamentos de Informação Geográfica. Geomática-Lidel, 2001.

2. Peter A. Burrough and Rachel A. McDonnell. Principles of Geographical Information Systems.Oxford, Clarendon Press, 2nd edition, 1998.

3. Stan Aronoff. Geographic Information Systems: a Management Perspective. WDL Publications. 1991.

4. Arthur H. Robinson. Elements of Cartography. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 1995.

Teaching method

Presential classes, with 1 hour of theoretical component, 2 hours of theoretical practical component and 1 hour practical. The theoretical component consists of the presentation of concepts and theoretical foundations of GIS through slides, to be complemented with material from theoretical sheets made available to students and recommended bibliography. The theoretical-practical and practical component consists of carrying out, assisted by the teacher, two projects in the area of ​​earth sciences / geographic information planning and management, where the theoretical contents presented are applied and new applications explored through optional exercises to be developed in autonomy.

Evaluation method

Continuous assessment, with one of the following optional components:

Option 1 – (i) 1 theoretical written test/exam (with a rating from 0 to 20) to be carried out at the end of the semester and; (ii) for the practical component, individual delivery of 10 hours of ESRI course certificates, carried out independently by the students.

Option 2 – completion and delivery (individually or in groups of 2 students) of a project report proposed by the teacher at the beginning of the semester, partially carried out by students during practical classes and/or independently.

To obtain frequency, students must attend at least 2/3 of the classes, that is, 8 classes.

Subject matter

The UC encloses the learning of  geographic information concepts and techniques in order to manage geographic thematic data, including the data acquisition, editing and analysis, using ArcGis online and ArcGis PRO GIS softwares. The practical component include the development of one GIS project for public presentation (2 students) and a minimum of 6 hours of practical ESRI exercises, made available online by ESRI, to get "Frequency" on the UC.


Programs where the course is taught: