
Education objectives

The objectives of this course are to provide students with advanced training at the highest level, in the field of biotechnology, emphasizing the multidisciplinary of this knowledge area and promoting  a more entrepreneurial attitude of students regarding the knowledge value of generated by them.

Students are welcomed into a high scientific qualification environment with two research centers with international recognition: REQUIMTE, Center of Excellence in Green Chemistry - Clean Technologies and Processes, and the Microbiological Resource Center.

Career opportunities

The achieved training versatility will provide Doctors in Biotechnology career opportunities in various sectors, like in industry as well as services, covering from the pharmaceutical and chemical industries, to veterinary and agriculture, in the research and technology development areas,  commercial services and management. Doctors in Biotechnology may also exercise teaching functions in higher education institutions.

General characterization

DGES code



PhD (3rd Cycle)



Access to other programs

Available soon


Pedro Miguel Ribeiro Viana Baptista

Opening date





(await approval)

Portuguese students: 2 750 Euros/ year

Foreign students: 2 750 Euros/ year


It depends on the working method of each training course. The working time for the classes will be agreed with each PhD student, or when there are more than 10 students in each year, it will be agreed with all students of the programme.


Teaching language

Available soon

Degree pre-requisites

Duration: 4 years

Credits: 240 ECTS

Scientific Area Acronym ECTS
Mandatory Optional
Biotechnology Bt 210 0
Socio-Economic Sciences CSE 3 0
Any other area QAC 0 27
TOTAL 213 27

Conditions of admittance

Available soon

Evaluation rules

Available soon


1.º Year
Code Name ECTS
9610 Thesis Project in Biotechnology 30.0
1.º Semester - Opções Livres
Code Name ECTS
12406 Advanced Biotechnology Option I 6.0
12407 Advanced Biotechnology Option II 6.0
12408 Advanced Biotechnology Option III 6.0
12409 Advanced Biotechnology Option IV 6.0
12410 Advanced Biotechnology Option V 3.0
O aluno deverá obter 27.0 créditos nesta opção.
3.º Semester
Code Name ECTS
9611 Entrepreneurship and Commercialization 3.0
4.º Year
Code Name ECTS
9615 Thesis 180.0