European History


This course aims at giving our students a general knowledge concerning the European economic, political and social scene during the 19th and the 20th centuries. It is our belief that students engaged in a research concerning scientific and technological practices should have a contextualized approach of this topics, thus becoming important a more general historical training.  

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Paula Pires dos Santos Diogo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 63

Teaching language



No requirements.


Making Europe Book Series:

Aldcroft, Derek H. & Ville, S. P. (Ed.), The European Economy, 1750-1914: A Thematic Approach, 1994.

Aldcroft,  Derek H., Historia de la Economia Europea (1914-1990), "NuevosInstrumentos Universitarios", Barcelona, Crítica,1997.

Hudson, Pat, The Industrial Revolution, Londres, Edward Arnold, 1992.

Iriye, A., Saunier, P-Y. (eds.), The Dictionary of Transnational History, Palgrave Macmillan , 2007

Kenwood, A. G. e Lougheed, A.L., The Growth of the International Economy 1820-2000, London/New York, Routledge, 1971 (4ª ed. 1999).

Léon, Pierre (Dir.), História Económica e Social  do Mundo, Vols. V e VI, Lisboa, Sá da Costa Editora, 1981-82.


Specific bibliography will be available for each session.

Teaching method

 Presentation of the topics by the lecturer, supported by slides; discussion of texts and films covering the topics outlined in the syllabus. Discussion of some topics by students under staff supervision and avaliation.



Evaluation method


 1) a critical reading of a book selected by the teacher accordingly with the academic profile of the student;

 2) one short essays on three of the tours of the Inventing Europe Virtual Exhibit





Subject matter

- The classical heritage. The idea of ​​Europe and the classic paradigm of civilization: law, freedom and citizenship / universalism and pluralism.
- Medieval Europe. Networks of knowledge: the role of the Christian Church; the city as political and commercial center; the role played by universities; science and craftsmanship as pillars of an emerging Europe. 
- Crossing boundaries:  the overseas expansion. New spaces, construction and diffusion / dispersion of the European model.
- Modernity, Renaissance and Humanism. Cultural and scientific revolutions.
- The enlightenment and the triumph of reason.
- Revolutions and new economic, political and social ideologies.
- Industrial Society: Revolution. Technology. Capitalism. Liberalism.
- Marxism and internationalism
- Nationalism and nation building. International organization of contemporary Europe
- Wars and crises: the Wilsonian moment and the rise of anticolonial nationalisms
- From Europe in the world to the globalization of Europe



Programs where the course is taught: