

At the end of this course, the student should have acquired knowledge, skills and competences which would enable them to critically evaluate texts and books on the history of science, technology and medicine. They should also be able to know how to use primary sources and to ponder on their utility and limitations.

Acquisition and understanding:

They will understand the object of historiography;

They will understand the major steps in the  evolution  of historiography of science and related areas;

They will know how to evaluate the complexity and diversity of historiographical problems raised by the history of science, technology and medicine;

They will know how to use primary sources and other tools of historical analysis;

They will know some of the relations between history of science and other domains of knowledge;

They will be introduced into some of the contemporary debates in the historiography of science.


To promote a critical attitude favourable to the development  of intellectual maturity.

To Building up arguments that are structured, coherent, relevant and concise

To orally present articles and projects in a structured  and attractive way and respecting the assigned time for the task.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Paula Pires dos Santos Diogo


Weekly - 3

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Gavrolu,Kostas,  O Passado das Ciências como História (Porto: Porto Editora, 2007);

 Iggers, Georg G., Historiography in the Twentieth Century. From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge, with a New Epilogue (Middletwon, Weleyan University Press, 2005);

 Shortland, Michael and Richard Yeo (eds.), Telling Lives in Science. Essays on Scientific Biography (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996);

 Soderqvist,T.,  ed., The Historiography of Contemporary science and technology (UK: Harwood academic publishers, 1996).

Stauenmaier, J. M. Technology Storytellers (Cambridge (Mass): MIT Press, 1989)

Teaching method

Oral presentations by teacher and students;

Debate of important articles concerning the development of the discipline;

Short written essays on specific assignments related to the historiography of science, technology and medicine.

Evaluation method

Presentation of an article; moderation of the presentation of an article by another student; Essay review, participation in the lectures/seminars and in the weekly  proposed activities.

Subject matter

1. Presentation of the discipline.

2. Classics of the Historiography of the History of Science and Technology

3. Historiography of the Centers and Peripheries

4. Historiography History of Science and Technology in Urban History,

5: Mobility Historiography

6: Anthropocene historiography

7: Historiography of the Institutional History of Science and Technology


Programs where the course is taught: