Geological Cartography
Provide methods and knowledge that enable the student to perform a coherent cartographic geological survey on any terrain and geological setting within the various professional-technical-scientific contexts.
The student must acquire skills to carry out geological surveys at various scales in a real situation; to produce a geological map on a topographical surface, tracing the geological limits, and the geometry of tectonic structures, describing the lithology and integrating it into the stratigraphy, and finally, incorporating all the information transposing it to a field report.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Carlos Ribeiro Kullberg, Martim Afonso Ferreira de Sousa Chichorro
Weekly - 4
Total - 54
Teaching language
No previous requirments
BARNES, 1991. Basic Geo Mapping. GSL
COMPTON 1985. Geology in the field: Ny, J. W & Sons
GROSHONG 2006. 3-D Structural Geol, Springer
LISLE 2004. Geologic structures maps. P. guide.Elsevier
McCLAY 1987. Mapping geolog structures. GSL
THORPE & BROWN 1985. Field Description of Igneous Rocks. GSL
FRY 1996. Field Descrip of Metamorphic Rocks. GSL H.S.
TUCKER 1996. Sedimentary rocks in the field. The G.F.Guide S.
Teaching method
(A) First theoretical classes preparing students for field work, using PPT projections and published geological maps.
(B) Geological mapping in the field, based on 1/10000 topographic maps and making photointerpretation.
Also some laboratory classes of analysis of geologically complex maps will be done, where students will interpret them and make geological profiles.
Evaluation method
Students must be present in at least 2/3 of field classes.
Final classification:
(A) Theoretical test
(B) Geological Report after the field work
(FC) = 30%(A) + 40%(B) + 30%(C) where
1- minimum of 6,0/20 values for each component;
2- (C) is the oral presentation of the Report made in (B) and where
(C) = 40%(D) + 30%(E) + 30%(F) meaning
D–Quality of presentation
E–Individual participation in presentation.
F– Assessment of individual oral.
A bónus of 0,5/20 values may be added to FC, depending on the quality of geological profiles made in laboratory.
Subject matter
The academic course contents will be developed in four stages:
- Stage 1. Introduction of theoretical concepts of cartography and analysis / interpretation of maps at different scales with the production of geological profiles.
- Stage 2. In the classroom and in field context (near the college) the student is trained to use the compass to represent the outcrops in the field book, to mark geological boundaries and to trace the attitude of planes and linear structures.
- Stage 3. Field component. During five days the student will have to conduct a geological survey at scale 1/10000.
- Stage 4. Production of a field report, respecting the model proposed by the teacher.