Interdisciplinary Seminar on Innovation in Education


- To know the latest policy guidelines and international studies on the organization of educational systems and about the processes of teaching and learning
- To understand the possibilities for innovation in education at the macro (system), meso (school and territories) and micro (classroom and learning environments
- To be able to identify and plan models and innovative practices in their professional contexts

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João José de Carvalho Correia de Freitas


Weekly - 2

Total - 28

Teaching language



No specific pre-requirements


AAVV. (2002). Espaços de Educação, tempos de formação. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2002.

Andreas SCHLEICHER (ed.) (2012). Preparing teaahers and developing school leaders for the 21st century. Paris: OCDE publishing.

António NÓVOA (2009). Professores: Imagens do Futuro Presente.Lisboa: edições EDUCA.

Eurydice (2007). Autonomia das escolas na Europa. Políticas e medidas. Lisboa: Unidade Europeia da Rede Eurydice.

Gert BIESTA (2010). Good Education in an Age of Measurement: Ethics, Politics, Democracy. Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers.

Jan MASSCHELEIN; Marten SIMONS (2013). Em defesa da escola. Uma questão pública. Belo Horizonte: Ed. Autêntica.

Lima, L., Pacheco J., Esteves M. & Canário R. (2006). A Educação em Portugal (1986- 2006). Alguns contributos de investigação. Lisboa: CNE.

Paulo SANTIAGO, Graham DONALDSON, Anne LOONEY, Debora NUSCHE (eds.). (2012).

OCDE Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education: Portugal. Paris: OCDE publishing.

Teaching method

The curricular unit will run with weekly conferences, followed by a debate with the prior reading and forum online. It is required to participate in at least 4/5 of the conference.

Evaluation method

The assessment of students will be continuous and will take into account the attendance and participation in conferences, as well as the preparation by each student of a paper (maximum of 15,000 characters, including spaces) on the subject of one or more conferences to an audience properly identified (eg, newspaper like "página da educação " or an opinion text for a weekly or daily newspaper).

Alternatively, a digital learning portfolio can be prepared and presented

Subject matter

1 - The organization of educational systems:
1.1 innovative perspectives in the studies and recommendations of international organizations (such as OECD, UNESCO,….)
1.2 Recent national policy guidelines

2 - Schools and territories:
2.1 models and innovative practices
2.2 educational potentialities of local institutions (cultural, artistic, scientific, social, professional, ...)

3 - The classrooms and learning environments:
3.1 National and international recommendations on teaching-learning
3.2 models and innovative practices