Environmental Education and Sustainability II


Provide knowledge on the great domains of the environmentl, namely the great debates on environment and sustainability.

This UC aims to provide the theoretical and practical contains on water, air, soils, noise and waste management, through learning for each the functions and uses, as well as the pressures and degradation to what they are subjected and ways to avoid it, promoting its sustainable use.

At the end of this unit the student should have acquired knowledge, skills and competences to:

- understand and know the main concepts and indicators related to areas of water, air, soils and waste;

-be able to contribute to the discuss the relevance of these topics in the sustainable development framework, identifying the good practices the allow to reduce the present pressures and degradation of these domains.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Lia Maldonado Teles de Vasconcelos, Maria Gabriela Lourenço da Silva Féria de Almeida


Weekly - 4

Total - 112

Teaching language





- Miller, G. and Sppolman, S., 2014. Living in the Environment, 18th Edition, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Belmont, 816 pp.

- Laws, E. A. 2001. Aquatic Pollution. An Introductory Text. 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York

- Clark, R.B. 2000. Marine Pollution. 5th ed. OUP

- Vallero, D.A., 2008. Fundamentals of Air Pollution, 4th edition, Elsevier Inc.,

San Diego.

- Brady, N. C.; Weil, R. R. (2008). The Nature and Properties of Soil. 14th Ed. Pearson-Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 990 pp., ISBN 139780132279383

- Tchobanoglous, G.; Kreith, F. (2002). Handbook of Solid Waste Management. Second Edition. McGraw-Hill International Editions.

- Martinho, M.G.; Gonçalves, M. G., Silveira, A. (2013). Gestão Integrada de Resíduos. Manual de apoio às aulas. FCT-UNL.

Teaching method

The teaching method is supported by lectures and practical classes. The teaching methods are mainly conducted to support several aspects: a) individual/group technical and scientific skills; b) debate skills and coherent analysis in the interpretation of the studied subjects. Classes are complemented with a tutorial system, using e-learning tools.

Evaluation method

The evaluation will be done on the base of an individual essay on one of the learned domains: water, air, soils and components noise and waste.

Subject matter

Definitions and general framework of the types of pollutants from water resources. Impact / toxicity and control. Organic pollution. Eutrophication. Metals. Hydrocarbons. Acid deposition and acidification of the oceans. Plastics and Emerging Pollutants

The sources of air pollution . The effects of air pollution on human health, vegetation, animals. Long-term effects : climate change . The acidification. Destruction of the ozone layer. Control of mobile and stationary sources.

The importance of noise, damage to health and control .

Soils - their formation and constitution. As soil interface. Functions and land uses. Degradation of soil quality. Soil contamination by different classes of pollutants : classic / priority emerging .

Introduction to the problem of waste management. Principles of European and national legislation on waste management (3R, PERSU). Psychology of recycling - the role of citizens and the educational community in particular.


Programs where the course is taught: