Treatment and Valorization of Effluents and Residues
The curricular unit objective is to provide the students with a knowledge set that allows the understanding of the current treatment and valorization processes of the effluents and residues of the agro-food industries and the associated importance and economic value, in a business, environmental and social´s framework and yet the most important legislative documentation. It is favored the skills development either on the interpretation and analysis concerning the selection/adequacy of the treatment and valorization processes and the competencies to evaluate or develop its application.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Carlos Lapa dos Santos Nunes
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Background on biology, physics and chemistry.
J. F. Santos Oliveira, B. Mendes, N. Lapa (2009) Resíduos – Gestão, Tratamento e sua Problemática em Portugal, Lidel-Edições Técnicas, Lda (Ed.), Lisboa, 542 pp.
Grady Jr, L. C.P.; Daigger, G. T.; Love, N. G. (2009) Biological Wastewater Treatment, CRC Press (Pubs.), 3rd Edition, 1200 pp.
Tchobanoglous, G.; Burton, F. L.; Stensel, H. D. (2002) Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, Burton, F. L. (Ed.), McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math (Publs.), 4th Edition, 1848 pp.
Teaching method
The learning methodologies include an oral theme presentation by the teacher, in theoretical sessions, and its discussion and analysis during or at the presentation´s ending. The theoretical-practical sessions are dedicated to the analysis of case studies and solving exercises/problems, in order to consolidate the acquired knowledge and the individual and group´s presentation and reasoning through the students’ proactive participation.
If there are ERASMUS students enrolled who do not speak Portuguese, the classes will be taught in English.
Evaluation method
According the FCT´s assessment rules the curricular unit has a final test with a 100% contribution to final classification. The non-approved students do a final resort exam. The curricular unit approval, continuous assessment or final exam, requires a minimum classification of 9.5 values (out of 20 values).
Subject matter
1. The importance of water in the food industry. Characteristics of the wastewaters and solid residues generated by the most important agro-food industries.
2. Basic and integrated systems for the treatment of wastewaters and residues.
3. Physic-chemical and biological treatment systems. Residues and sludge treatment systems.
4. Residues recovery and materials recycling. Residues and wastewaters’ valorization.
5. Environmental, social and economic importance. National and EU rules.