Image Acquisition, Handling and Processing
- The main features of 2D and 3D digital images.
- Mechanisms for digitizating 2D and 3D images.
- Image repair techniques.
- What are the implications in terms of quality of image compression.
- The characteristics of cultural archives libraries.
- Calculate the requirements for digitization and storage.
- Choosing the most appropriate compression format for a particular type of information.
- Repair damage to digital images.
- Build 3D models of real objects.
Soft -Skills
- Research and identify relevant information in an emerging area.
- Understand the technological nature of the discipline and its relation to Conservation and Restoration.
- Ability to manage and develop a project of digital restoration.
- Ability to compare the practical work with existing approaches.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Armanda Simenta Rodrigues Grueau, Nuno Manuel Robalo Correia
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
Fotografia Documental
Gonzalez, Rafael C. and Woods, Richard E. Digital Image Processing, 4th Edition. Pearson, 2018.
Lindsay MacDonald eds. Digital Heritage: Applying Digital Imaging to Cultural Heritage. Routledge, 2006.
Mongeon, Bridgette. 3D Technology in Fine Art and Craft: Exploring 3D Printing, Scanning, Sculpting and Milling. CRC Press, 2015.
Faulkner, Andrew and Chavez, Conrad. Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book. Adobe Press, 2018.
Ribeiro, Nuno. Multimédia e Tecnologias Interativas, FCA, 2018.
Teaching method
The teaching methodology consists of a lecture of 2 hours per week and a laboratory class of 3 hours.
Lectures tackle the concepts listed in the syllabus. Whenever possible, problems will be solved as an example of theory taught during the class.
Laboratory classes include two projects.
The first project allows students to practice the concepts of digital image processing as a way to simulate the restoration of a damaged piece.
The topic of the second project is centered on using knowledge acquired during classes about 3D imaging.
Assessment components:
- Two tests that deal with both theoretical and laboratory knowledge.
- A project of digital treatment as a way to simulate an original restoration.
- A project where students will develop simplified 3D annotated models of artistic installations.
Evaluation method
Assessment Method
Frequency and grade of the practical component:
Practical Component (P) - worth 40% of the final grade and calculated as follows:
P = (P1 * 0.2 + P2 * 0.2) / 0.4
P1 will be the grade for the 1st assignment (20%)
and P2 the grade of the 2nd assignment (20%)
Achieving frequency depends on P> = 10.
The frequencies of the previous academic year are accepted, an option that must be communicated by e-mail until the 3rd practical class, implying that the student will not need to do the practical assessment in the current academic year.
The grade for the 1st assignment will be rewarded with 5% of the same grade (P1) for all students who attend 90% of the complete practical classes held up to the date of delivery of this assignment.
The grade for the 2nd assignment will be rewarded with 5% of the same grade (P2) for all students who attend 90% of the complete practical classes held between the delivery date of the 1st assignment and the delivery date of the 2nd assignment.
Theoretical component grade
Theoretical Component (T) - worth 60% of the final grade and is calculated as follows:
T = (T1*0.3 + T2 * 0.3) / 0.6
where T1 is the result of the first test (30%) and T2 is the result of the second test (30%)
The result of the 1st test does not condition access to the 2nd test. Both tests will be attended onsite (at school), written and no consulting materials are accepted. No electronic devices may be used, with the exception of a non-scientific calculator.
Approval and Final Grade (NF)
For the student to obtain approval, the following three conditions must be fulfilled:
Theoretical component grade (T)> = 10
Practical component note (P)> = 10 = Obtaining frequency
Final grade (NF = T * 0.6 + P * 0.4)> = 10
Formula for calculating the final grade for approved students:
NF = T * 0.6 + P * 0.4
Formula fort the final grade for students with frequency and where T
NF = T.
Test results and assignment results are rounded to the nearest decimal.
Exam results,T and P are rounded to the nearest unit.
Subject matter
Introdução aos computadores
- CPU, memória, disco, interfaces
- Compreender o que são sinais analógicos
- Conversão de analógico para digital
- Modelos de cor
- Imagens não vísiveis (IR, ultrasons)
Imagens, pixeis e cor
- Raster e vectoriais
- Pixeis, profundidade de cor
- Restauro Digital
Tratamento de imagens 2D
- Histograma
- Filtros de processamento de imagem
- Remoção de ruído, restauração de imagens
- Detecção de contornos
- Aquisição de imagem 2D e 3D
- Resolução de digitalização e visualização
Imagens 3D
- Digitalização de objetos
- Nuvens de pontos e superfícies
Compressão de imagem
- Formatos sem perdas: BMP, TIFF, PNG
- Redundância visual
- Ruído de compressão
- Formatos com perdas: JPEG
Bibliotecas digitais de imagens
- Pesquisa (QBIC, V&A)
- Catalogação
- Preservação de informação