Mathematics I


To aquire fundamental acknowledgments of Mathematics and Differential Calculus.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Manuel Almeida Silva


Weekly - 7

Total - 72

Teaching language



There are no prerequisites.


ANTON, Howard; Bivens Irl; Davis Stephen - Cálculo vol I e II, 8ª edição, Bookman, 2007.

Teaching method

Classes consist on an oral explanation of the theory which is illustrated by examples. Most results are proven.  Students have access to copies of the theory and proposed exercises.

Evaluation method


To obtain frequency, first-time students must attend at least two-thirds of the classes.

Final approval can be obtained through continuous evaluation or by final exam.


Continuous evaluation

The continuous evaluation consists of two tests whose average will be the grade of the continuous evaluation.

The final grade of the continuous evaluation is the average of the two tests, rounded to the units (scale from 0 to 20).Students with a grade greater than or equal to 10 will be approved.


Final exam

A final exam is held at the time of appeal. Students may choose to on the day of the final exam repeat one of the tests (same subject, different questions) with the exam grade equal to the average of the test taken during the semester plus the test taken on the day of the exam. To repeat one of the tests, each student must communicate this intention at least one week in advance of the exam date.

Students with a grade greater than or equal to 10 will be approved.

Grade improvement

Anyone wishing to take the grade improvement recourse exam should apply for grade improvement.


In any evaluation moment, students must also take into consideration the provisions of nº3 of article 10º of the ''''Evaluation Rules of FCT NOVA'''', “When fraud or plagiarism is proven in any of the evaluation elements of a UC, students directly involved are outright disapproved at UC, (…). ” 



Subject matter

1. Coordinate system in the plane. Plane subsets defined by equations. Lines and circles. Functions of a single variable and its graph. Linear and quadratic functions. Other elementar functions.

2. Trignometric functions: sine, cosine and tangent.

3. Exponential and logarithmic function.

4. Sequences. Arithmetic and geometric progressions.

5. Derivatives and extremes of functions


Programs where the course is taught: