Civil Procedure Law - Enforcement Proceedings


The Course has as its learning outcomes the mastery of the essential concepts of Enforcement Procedural Law. The knowledge is extremely important for the complete perception of the legal system of protection of rights in Private Law, as it allows to understand which instruments are available to the right holders to see their damages reimbursed or their obligations fulfilled. These concepts are of a high technical level and impose solid knowledge of Substantive Law (in particular Law of Obligations and Property Law) and of Civil Procedural Law (in particular declaratory civil procedure). At the end of the semester, students should be able to describe and articulate basic concepts of the enforcement process (executive title, opposition to execution, seizure/foreclose, claim for credits, among others), as well as understand the various stages of the enforcement proceeedings.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira


Weekly - 4.5

Total - 54

Teaching language



Civil Procedure Law and Legal Procedure Theory


- José Lebre de Freitas, A Ação Executiva: À Luz do Código de Processo Civil de 2013, 7.ª ed., Coimbra, Gestlegal, 2017

- Marco Carvalho Gonçalves, Lições de Processo Civil Executivo, Coimbra, Almedina, 4ª ed., Coimbra, Almedina, 2020

- Rui Pinto, A Ação Executiva, Lisboa, AAFDL Editora, 2019

- Paulo Ramos de Faria, e Ana Luísa Loureiro, Primeiras Notas ao Novo Código de Processo Civil: Os Artigos da Reforma, vol. II, Coimbra, Almedina, 2014

- António Santos Abrantes Geraldes, Paulo Pimenta e Luís Filipe Pires de Sousa, Código de Processo Civil Anotado, vol. II, Coimbra, Almedina, 2020

- João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira e Mariana França Gouveia, "A Oposição à Execução Baseada em Requerimento de Injunção: Comentário ao Acórdão do Tribunal Constitucional nº 388/2013", in Themis, n.ºs 24/25, 2013, pp. 315-348

- Mariana França Gouveia, "Penhora de Imóveis e Registo Predial na Reforma da Acção Executiva", in Cadernos de Direito Privado, n.º 4, 2003, pp. 26-35

Teaching method

Classes are theoretical-practical, always in dialogue with students. Recent and influential case law on the various topics of the program and practical cases will also be discussed.

Evaluation method

- Final exam.

- Continuous evaluation (participation and possibly a test): 30% if higher than the exam's grade. The final grade can never exceed the exam's by more than 2 points.

Subject matter

I - Introduction

  1. Concept and purposes of enforcemente proceedings
  2. Legal requirements to initiate an enforcemente proceedings
  3. The enforcement actors, in particular the enforcement agent.




III - Enforcement proceedings for payment of a specific amount

  1. Ordinary and expedited proceedings
  2. Preliminary phase
  3. Opposition to enforcement
  4. Seizure
  5. Creditors summon and claims
  6. Judicial sale
  7. Payment to creditors
  8. Termination of the enforcement proceedings


Programs where the course is taught: