O objectivo do curso é transmitir ao aluno os conceitos e instrumentos básicos da teoria microeconómica. O curso não requer qualquer conhecimento prévio sobre estas matérias, os instrumentos algébricos utilizados são elementares e a sua utilização é limitada. A ênfase será colocada na aplicação imediata dos conceitos estudados na discussão de questões concretas. Desta forma, garantimos uma formação económica adequada aos futuros juristas, estando certos de que a aquisição destas competências constitui um valor acrescentado na vida profissional e pública futura.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Amador
Weekly - 4.5
Total - 54
Teaching language
Available soon
Mankiw, 'Principles of Economics' (2nd edition), da Harcourt College Publishers
Teaching method
Expositive and presential theretical and pactical classes
Evaluation method
The final evaluation of the chair is essentially the result of two distinct components.The first component of the assessment consists of an intermediate test, which will have a weighting of 30% in the final grade. Students are strongly encouraged to carry out this test, which will seek to promote an in-depth study in the middle of the semester, allowing each student to assess their situation and make corrections needed. The second component of the assessment consists of a mandatory final exam, covering the entire subject. Additionally, students will be invited to answer questions to be distributed in practical classes. In this way, we try to ensure continuous work on the subject by the students.
Subject matter
Introduction (preliminary concepts)
Supply, demand and market equlibrium
Applications of the simple model of demand and supply
Consumer problem
Producer problem
Externalities and public goods