Theory of Legal Norm


1. Understanding of law in context, capacity for critical and reflective analysis. Particular attention is paid to how the legal system responding to today's major challenges.

2. Acquire specific technical concepts such as value, principle, norm, rule, institute, system.

3. Identify, characterize, and interpret legal norms. Apply legal norms to concrete cases.

4. Solve concrete cases on studied themes: application of the law in time, interpretation, and integration of gaps.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Vítor Neves, Assunção Cristas


Weekly - 4.5

Total - 54

Teaching language



Law and Legal Thought


- Amaral, Diogo Freitas do, Introdução do Direito, Vols. I e II, Almedina, Coimbra, respetivamente 2017 e 2019

- Ascensão, José de Oliveira, O Direito. Introdução e Teoria Geral, 13.ª edição, Almedina, Coimbra, 2019

- Hespanha, António Manuel, O Caleidoscópio do Direito. O Direito e a Justiça nos dias e no mundo de hoje, 2.ª edição reelaborada, Almedina, Coimbra, 2019

- Machado, João Baptista, Introdução do Direito e ao Discurso Legitimador, Almedina, Coimbra, Almedina, Coimbra, 1987 (25.ª reimpressão 2018)

- Sousa, Miguel Teixeira de, Introdução ao Direito, Almedina, Coimbra, 2018 (reimpressão 2021)

- Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm, Pensamento Sistemático e Conceito de Sistema na Ciência do Direito, 3.ª edição, Fundação Calouste-Gulbenkian, Lisboa, 2002

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical classes, using debate on current issues, analysis of jurisprudence and solution of practical cases. 

Evaluation method

Written final mandatory exam.

Non-mandatory continuous assessment during the semester, composed by several exercises and oral participation in the classroom.

The continuous assessment grade accounts 50% for the final mark if superior to the grade of the final exam. If the final exam grade exceeds the continuous assessment grade, it prevails.

Subject matter

1. The legal order as a normative order. Relationship with others. Critical evolution of the legal order.

2. Rule and law. The architecture of the legal system. The idea of the system. Contours and limitations. The challenges of today.  

3. The legal standard. Characteristics and classification.

4. Legal reasoning. Legal justification and qualification.

5. Interpretation of the law.

6. Integration of gaps.

7. Application of the law in space and time.

8. Construction of the law. Legistics. Legislative evaluation.


Programs where the course is taught: