Introduction to Mediation


- Explore conflict dynamics and the main approaches to conflict resolution;

- Distinguish and analyse different negotiation styles (with a special focus on the problem-solving approach);

- Analyse the legal framework of mediation;

- Introduce some general notions regarding the mediation process and techniques. 

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Joana Farrajota, João Pedro Pinto-Ferreira


Weekly - 4.5

Total - 54

Teaching language



Not Applicable


Fisher, Roger / Ury, William / Patton, Bruce, Como Conduzir uma Negociação? Chegar a Acordo sem Ceder, 12.ª ed., Lua de Papel, Alfragide, 2015

Gouveia, Mariana França, Curso de Resolução Alternativa de Litígios, 3.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2015 (reimp.)

Lopes, Dulce / Patrão, Afonso, Lei da Mediação Comentada, 2.ª ed., Almedina, Coimbra, 2016

Specific bibliography will be indicated during the semester. 

Teaching method

Theoretical classes will be combined with practical sessions (group works, debates, simulations and exercises). 

Evaluation method

1.1. Continuous evaluation (students are exempt from the exam):

- Written test: 40%;

- Participation in class (including oral presentations): 30%;

- Resolution of exercises in writing: 20%

- Group works completed in class: 10%.

1.2. Exam (for any students without a continuous evaluation grade).

1.3. Continuous evaluation and exam (for students who wish to improve their continuous evaluation grade). Only the higher grade will count.

Subject matter

1. Conflict dynamics
1.1. Glasl's nine stage model of conflict escalation
1.2. Different approaches to conflict resolution.
2. Negotiation
2.1. Positional bargaining
2.2. Problem-solving approach
3. Mediation
3.1. Legal framework
3.2. Principles
3.3. Mediators' rights and duties
3.4. Main legal issues concering mediation
4. Introduction to the mediation process and techniques