Impact of the disease and its determinants
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. To list health determinants related to different diseases; 2. To identify the main neglected tropical diseases and of poverty, its distribution and impact; 3. To synthetize and explain concepts of “neglected tropical diseases and of poverty” and “emergent and reemerging diseases”, the biology of the pathogenic microorganisms and its vectors, the eco-epidemiology and morbidity / mortality; 4. To synthetize and explain the concept of “One Health”; 5. To identify and apply diagnostic methodologies adapted to different scenarios; 6. To interpret the impact of ambient factors on the eco-epidemiology of zoonosis and the use of geographic information systems as a tool of surveillance of emerging zoonotic diseases; 7. To know and use knowledge and health information sources; 8. To produce a scientific text about the impact and determinants of one disease and a critical analysis about a scientific article on this subject.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Isabel Maurício
Weekly - 14
Total - 45
Teaching language
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory
• Conrad PA et al (2013) Operationalizing a One Health approach to global health challenges. Comp Immunol Microbiol Infect Dis. 36:211– 216 • Rabozzi et al (2012) Emerging Zoonoses: the One Health Approach. Saf Health Work 3:77-83 • Jason K. Blackburn (2010) Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Ecological Niche Modeling into Disease Ecology: A Case Study of Bacillus anthracis in the United States and Mexico. Emerging and Endemic Pathogens NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology, Volume 00, 2010, pp 59-88. • Manson's Tropical Diseases. 2009. 22ª edição. • Cook G. C. and Zumla A. I. (Ed.),WB Saunders, London. Wernsdorfer WH (1988).Malaria. Principles and practice of malariology. Churchill Livingstone Inc. London. UK. • Franklin, J. and Miller, J.A. (2009) Mapping species distributions: spatial inference and prediction. Cambridge University Press Cambridge. • Elith, J. and Leathwick, J. (2009). Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 40, 677-697.
Teaching method
Teaching methods. Direct teaching by the expository method (theoretical classes T) and indirect teaching by learning through guided discovery and solving problems in a simulation and laboratory environment (theoretical-practical TP and PL practices).
Evaluation method
The final classification of the course: written test with two components (exam with pre-defined questions and written revision work).
Subject matter
I. Definitions of disease, determinants and impact. II. Concept of neglected tropical diseases. III. Laboratory diagnosis in microbiology and arboviroses. IV. Biology and eco-epidemiology of vector borne infections: the vectors, Leishmaniasis, malaria, trypanosomiases, arboviruses. V. Biology and eco-epidemiology of helminths: Schistosomiasis, geohelmintiasis. VI. Biology and eco-epidemiology of intestinal protozoonoses. VII. HIV/AIDS. VIII. Tuberculosis. IX. Fungal infections: opportunistic and nosocomial. lt;strong>X. Microbioma and infectious diseases. XI. One Health concept. XII. Ecological changes: main factors and impact in the eco-epidemiology of vector-borne zoonoses. XIII. Epidemiologic surveillance networks, geographic information systems and their contribution to surveillance of emerging zoonotic diseases. XIV. Impact of climate changes in health.