Thematic rotation II


The Thematic Rotation aims to ensure the mobility of the students between health Institutions, health care units, field stations, university departments and laboratories, health services and industry.
At the end of Thematic Rotation students should have tried and compared different institutions/workplaces and methodologies, in order to estimate the best place/subject/supervision for their theses. Students are expected to develop networks with students and professionals, which will be long lasting and a benefit to their career and the scientific community in general.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Fátima Nogueira


Weekly - A definir com o respetivo supervisor local

Total - 200

Teaching language



Not applicable


The bibliography will be defined for each student by the coordinator and the responsible for training in the institutions where they will develop the Thematic Rotation.

Teaching method

The teaching methodologies include theoretical and practical supervision, tutorials and practical work. The continuous assessment will take into account the students' attendance and punctuality, prior preparation and planning of protocols and activities, adequate accomplishment of these, and critical analysis of the results obtained.

Evaluation method

The student will be monitored and evaluated by the supervisor for the continuous assessment component which corresponds to 60% of the grade. The student must also prepare a final report (40% of grade). The Coordinator of the UC will evaluate the final report.

Subject matter

The concept of the present international Doctorateprogram is rather unique in the field of tropical health since it results from a formal academic interaction between partner institutions geographically implemented in the tropics and/or with demonstrable present and historical presence. Students will get an overview of the research at IHMT, IICT and Fiocruz, as well as other institution with which they have existing protocols.
The Thematic Rotation (TR) involves the participation of research groups in wet labs as well as other departments including epidemiology, biostatistics and bioinformatics, and health systems institutions in Portugal and Brazil. Students are supposed be involved in the service/lab and participate all their activities.
Each individual TR is planned with the Tutor and UC coordinator according to the student’s interests and motivations and in coordination with the hosts counterparts. The final rotation plan will be analysed by the 3rd cycle scientific commission.


Programs where the course is taught: