Tuberculosis and other Mycobacterioses
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. To know the biological characteristics of the etiological agent of TB and other mycobacterial infections. 3. To understand the role of the mycobacteriology laboratory in the health system and in the prevention of the transmission of resistant strains and their interconnection with the co-infection with HIV. 4. To understand and describe the imunofisiopathology of mycobacterial infections associating it with the clinical manifestations of different forms of TB. 5. To acquire good biosecurity practices in the handling of resistant strains, in determining their resistance and how to manage TB laboratories with quality control. 6. To master the classic techniques of laboratorial mycobacteriology, theoretical and practical knowledge of the laboratory diagnosis of TB, leprosy and other mycobacterial infections.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Miguel Viveiros Bettencourt
Weekly - 10
Total - 28
Teaching language
Attendance of 2/3 of classes is mandatory
• Portugal, I. and Viveiros M. (2014) Mycobacterium In: Microbiologia Médica, António Meliço-Silvestre, Helena Barroso e Nuno Taveira (Eds), Lidel, Edições Técnicas, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN: 9789727575763. • Murray, P.R., Rosenthal, K.S., Pfaller M.A. (2013) Medical Microbiology, 7th Edition. Elsevier-Mosby-Saunders, St. Louis, EUA. ISBN: 978-0-323-08692-9. • McHugh, T. D. (2012) Tuberculosis: Advances in Molecular and Cellular Microbiology, C A B Intl Press, London, UK. ISBN: 978-1845938079. • Viveiros M. and Atouguia J. (2008) Tuberculose – Saúde Tropical. Edição Universidade Aberta. ISBN:978-972-674-494-8. • Palomino J. C., et al (2007) Tuberculosis 2007 - From basic science to patient care, First Edition, 687 pp.
Teaching method
1) Lectures, slide show based, accompanied with indication of complementary bibliography. 2) Lectures with introduction ton and resolution of case studies forcing the application of methodologies addressed diagnosis/monitoring/characterization of the mycobacteria infections and characterization of drug resistance profiles. 3) Laboratory classes, based on the resolution of case-study based on clinical or laboratory cases.
Evaluation method
Assessment is performed by a written exam to students that attended at least 2/3 of classes.
Subject matter
I. Clinical, epidemiological and therapeutic aspects of tuberculosis and other mycobacterial infections.
II. Genus Mycobacterium . Cell wall and pathogenesis, diagnosis, resistance and rational drug development.
III. Emerging human Mycobacteriosis.
IV. Multi-resistant TB and extensively drug-resistant. Biosafety measures in mycobacteriology laboratories.
V. Work – algorithm for the mycobacteriological diagnostics - collection and transport of products, staining, decontamination and concentration, culture techniques. Susceptibility testing to antibiotics. Quality control in the laboratory.
VI. Immunology of Tuberculosis: protective immunity against tuberculosis. Immunological mechanisms triggered by vaccination with BCG. Immune response to infection with
Programs where the course is taught: