Health policies, planning and strategy
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. To understand why, in certain historical contexts two different models of health systems, Bismarck model and the Beveridge model, were created and developed. 2. To know different developments of health systems in the world. 3. To analyze the different health policies developed in Portugal after 1974 and relate the results in health with the various health determinants. 4. To know how the present structure of the Portuguese health system and the main legislation of the sector. 5. To understand the main stages of the health planning process. 6. To understand the fases in health planning in four different situations: the national health plan, the planning of human resources in health, hospital planning, cross-border healthcare.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo Ferrinho
Weekly - 5
Total - 40
Teaching language
Not applicable
• Simões, J. e Paulo Ferrinho. ”Contributo para a história do planeamento da saúde em Portugal”. Suplemento dos Anais do Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical. vol. 16 (Suplemento), 17-23, 2017. • Campos, A. e Jorge Simões (2011). O Percurso da Saúde: Portugal na Europa. Almedina, Coimbra. • Entidade Reguladora da Saúde (2012) Estudo para a Carta Hospitalar. • Entidade Reguladora da Saúde (2012) Relatório final sobre a Análise do Impacto da Directiva 2011/24/EU. • Plano Nacional de Saúde 2012-2016 (disponível em • WHO (2006). The World Health Report 2006. Working together for health.
Teaching method
Classes are interactive and expositive.
Evaluation method
Evaluation results of the elaboration, presentation and discussion of an individual paper about "policies, planning and strategy in health".
Subject matter
I. Models of health system. II. The organization of health systems in African, Americans, Asians and Europeans countries. III. Health policies in Portugal. IV. The present organization of the Portuguese health system. V. Health planning. VI. The national health plan. VII. Planning of human resources in health. VIII. Hospital planning. IX. Regulation on health. X. Cross-border healthcare.