Management of health programs, services and projects


This course intends to respond to health professionals’ growing need to develop skills required to address health management challenges and complexity in health units (hospitals, regional health authorities, etc.), to meet the needs generated by government policies or projects development, supported by evidence-oriented and results-based management.
This unit aims to provide the knowledge of management required in the context of healthcare organizations and to induce the basic notions of quality, project management, and team management to improve health services performance. Intended outcomes are:
1. To learn the various methods and techniques used for managing health services.
2. Recognize, as a manager, in his work environment, the importance of understanding the organization, the business and the system as a precondition of success in management.
3. Recognizing the importance of project management and of using the tools of project management in the context of health services.
4. Develop knowledge in team management, Quality management and financial management in the context of health services.
5. To apply the tools of planning (strategic management), management by objectives and set priorities, project management, Balanced Scorecard, etc.
6. To learn the most important approaches to team management, leadership and motivation, and to know how to apply it for capacity-building interventions in Health
7. Develop and plan the implementation of Quality Systems to improve (and optimize) services Health performance, moreover with LEAN scientific system.
8. Recognizing the importance of innovation in the management of health services.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Luís Lapão


Weekly - 6,5

Total - 40

Teaching language



Not applicable


• CAG Gadelha, C Quental, B de Castro Fialho (2003) Saúde e inovação: uma abordagem sistêmica das indústrias da saúde. Cad. Saúde Pública.
• Swayne, L. E., Duncan, W. J., and Ginter, P. M. (2012). Strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley and Sons.
• Alice C. Stewart and Julie Carpenter-Hubin (2000) The Balanced Scorecard -Beyond Reports and Rankings. Planning for Higher Education. Winter 2000–2001.
• Kaplan, R. S., and Norton, D. P. (1993). Putting the balanced scorecard to work.The performance measurement, management and appraisal sourcebook, 66-79.
• Lapão, L. V. (2019). The Future of Healthcare: The Impact of Digitalization on Healthcare Services Performance. In The Internet and Health in Brazil (pp. 435-449). Springer, Cham.
• Lapão, L. V., and Dussault, G. (2011). PACES: a national leadership program in support of primary-care reform in Portugal. Leadership in Health Services, 24(4), 295-307.
• Iles, V., and Sutherland, K. (2001). Managing change in the NHS.Organisational change: a review for health care managers, professionals, and researchers. London: NCCSDO.
• Drucker, P. F. (2004). What makes an effective executive. Harvard Business Review, 58-63.
• A Donabedian. (1988). The quality of care. Jama, 260(12), 1743-1748.
• Rigoli, F., and Dussault, G. (2003). The interface between health sector reform and human resources in health. Human resources for health, 1(1), 9.
• Shenhar, A. J. (2004). Strategic Project Leadership® Toward a strategic approach to project management. RandD Management, 34(5), 569-578.
• Christensen, C. M., Grossman, J. H., and Hwang, J. (2009). The innovator's prescription: a disruptive solution for health care. New York: McGraw-Hill.
• Werner, D., Thuman, C., Maxwell, J., Cary, F., and Pearson, A. (1993).Where there is no doctor: A village health care handbook for Africa. Macmillan.
• Walshe, K., and Smith, J. (Eds.). (2011). Healthcare management. McGraw-Hill International.

Teaching method

1. Exposure of the matter and discussions with students;
2. Analysis of case studies and practical exercises.

Evaluation method

1. Individual health management case study exercise (60%);
2. Team Work (40%).

Subject matter

I. Health Management:
Introduction to Management.
Fundamental tools and techniques.
Challenges and opportunities in health management: Quality Vs. cost-cutting.
Models of Innovation.
II. Management of projects and programs in Health:
Introduction to project management and program management.
Methods and tools of project management.
Change Management.
III.Team Management:
Organizational development, leadership and motivation of teams.
Time management, meeting management, negotiation.
IV. Quality Management:
Quality Systems and Quality Management Systems.
Quality Audit.
Implementation of Quality Systems.
Quality Strategy in Health Services: Total Quality.
LEAN / Six Sigma in health services.


Programs where the course is taught: