Analysis of International Policies in Health
1,500 / 5,000 Translation results The objective of this UC is to provide a comprehensive understanding of health policy analysis frameworks, concepts, and processes that take into account broader aspects of global health. This includes understanding multilevel approaches to decision-making and governance, complex socio-economic and cultural dependencies between countries, the role of international agencies and institutions in the context of expanding nation-states, multisectoral partnerships in the health sector, and participation in policymaking. . As part of the overall objective, students have the opportunity to reflect on policy analysis in terms of theories, methodologies and in practical terms. In addition, learning includes the ability to link research competencies with intervention and policy change. 1. Understand the key principles of health policy analysis in conjunction with the concept of global health; 2. Learn different health policy analysis frameworks and their applications in low-, middle- and high-income countries; 3. Develop theoretical, methodological and translational skills in health policy analysis; 4. Learn how to empirically apply key principles of health policy analysis to drive policy change; 5. Understand the uses and applications of health policy analysis in different health environments; 6. Develop knowledge and strategies to improve the functioning of health systems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Tiago Correia
Weekly - Se a UC for oferecida como opcional, o horário será disponibilizado no 2º semestre
Total - 40
Teaching language
Not applicable
• Béland D, Ridde V (2016). Ideas and policy implementation: Understanding the resistance against free health care in Africa. Global Health Governance, 10(3). • Berlan D, Buse K, Shiffman J, Tanaka S (2014). The bit in the middle: a synthesis of global health literature on policy formulation and adoption, Health Policy and Planning, 29(3): iii23–iii34, • Buse K (2008). Addressing the theoretical, practical and ethical challenges inherent in prospective health policy analysis, Health Policy and Planning, 23(5): 351–360 • CDC (2019). The CDC Policy Process. Washington: CDC, • Cullerton K, Donnet T, Lee A, Gallegos D (2016). Using political science to progress public health nutrition: A systematic review. Public Health Nutrition, 19(11): 2070-2078. https://doi:10.1017/S1368980015002712 • Erasmus E, Gilson L (2008). How to start thinking about investigating power in the organizational settings of policy implementation, Health Policy and Planning, 23(5): 361–368, • Erasmus E (2014). The use of street-level bureaucracy theory in health policy analysis in low- and middle-income countries: a meta-ethnographic synthesis, Health Policy and Planning, 29(3): iii70–iii78, • Erasmus E, Orgill M, Schneider H, Gilson L (2014), Mapping the existing body of health policy implementation research in lower income settings: what is covered and what are the gaps?, Health Policy and Planning, 29(3): iii35–iii50, • Fung A (2006). Varieties of Participation in Complex Governance. Public Administration Review, Special Issue: 66-75 • Fung A (2020). Four Levels of Power: A Conception to Enable Liberation. The Journal of Political Philsophy, 28(2): 131-157. • Gautier L, Ridde V (2017). Health financing policies in Sub-Saharan Africa: government ownership or donors’ influence? A scoping review of policymaking processes. Global Health Research and Policy, 2(23): • Ghaffar A, Gilson L, Tomson G, Viergever R, Røttingen JA (2016). Where is the policy in health policy and systems research agenda?. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94(4), 306–308. • Gilson L, Schneider H (2010): Commentary: Managing scaling up: what are the key issues?, Health Policy and Planning, 25(2): 97–98, • Gilson L (2012). Health Policy and Systems Research: a methodology reader. Geneva: WHO (selected chapters), • Gilson L, Orgill M, Shroff ZC (2018). A health policy analysis reader: the politics of policy change in low. And middle-income countries. Geneva: WHO (selected chapters) , • Green A, Gerein N, Mirzoev T, Bird P, Pearson S, Anh LV, Martineau T, Mukhopadhyay M, Quian X, Ramani KV, Soors W (2011). Health policy processes in maternal health: A comparison of Vietnam, India and China. Health Policy, 100(2-36): 167-173, • Kent B, Nicholas M, Gill W (2012). Making Health Policy. McGraw-Hill International (selected chapters) • Koon AD, Hawkins B, Mayhew SH (2016). Framing and the health policy process: a scoping review, Health Policy and Planning, 31(6): 801–816, • Minja H, Nsanzabana C, Maure C, Hoffmann A, Rumisha S, Ogundahunsi O, Zicker F, Tanner M, Launois P (2011). Impact of Health Research Capacity Strengthening in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: The Case of WHO/TDR Programmes. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 5(10): e1351, • Molyneux S, Atela M, Angwenyi V, Goodman C (2012). Community accountability at peripheral health facilities: a review of the empirical literature and development of a conceptual framework, Health Policy and Planning, 27 (7): 541–554, • Spicer N, Walsh A (2012). 10 Best Resources on … the Current Effects of Global Health Initiatives on Country Health Systems. Health Policy and Planning, 27(): 265–69, • Ridde V (2016). Need for more and better implementation science in global health. BMJ Global Health, 1 e000115, https://doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2016-000115 • Seavey JW, Semra A, Robert M (2014). Health Polocy Analysis: framework and tools for success. Springer Publishing. • Shearer JC, Abelson J, Kouyaté B, Lavis JN, Walt G (2016). Why do policies change? Institutions, interests, ideas and networks in three cases of policy reform, Health Policy and Planning, 31(9): 1200–1211, • Walt G, Shiffman J, Schneider H, Murray SF, Brugha R, Gilson L (2008). Doing’ Health Policy Analysis: Methodological and Conceptual Reflections and Challenges. Health Policy and Planning, 23(5): 308–17. http://doi:10.1093/heapol/czn024 • Walt G, Gilson L (2014). Can frameworks inform knowledge about health policy processes? Reviewing health policy papers on agenda setting and testing them against a specific priority-setting framework, Health Policy and Planning, 29(3): iii6–iii22, • Wampler B (2012). Participatory Budgeting: Core Principles and Key Impacts. Journal of Public Deliberation, 8(2): Article 12. • WHO (2012). Changing Mindsets: strategy on health policies and systems research. Geneva: WHO,
Teaching method
This curricular unit uses different teaching-learning methodologies, both in class and through the asynchronous work of students. Classroom activities include theoretical and theoretical-practical classes, discussions and debates. Students' asynchronous work consists of reading scientific literature to accompany classroom activities and prepare the individual essay. Tutorial supervision by the teacher complements the learning process whenever students request it.
Evaluation method
The assessment consists of oral presentations in class based on the selected bibliography (50%) and the writing of an individual essay (50%).
Subject matter
I. Introduction to international health policy analysis in the context of global health; II. Health policy analysis frameworks in low-, middle- and high-income countries and in different health environments; III. Methodological and conceptual reflections on the analysis of international health policies; IV. From health policy analysis to policy processes and changes.