Traveler's Medicine
After this unit, students should be able to: 1. Evaluate the health risks in travel medicine. 2. Discuss the most suitable vaccines depending on the traveler’ characteristics, the types of trips and destinations. 3. Distinguish particular aspects of traveler related diarrhoea. 4. Know how to counsel travelers subject to climate extremes, altitude or other. 5. Describe the clinical aspects, prevention and treatment/therapy subsequent to accidents with poisonous animals and/or with toxins in tropical regions.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Rosa Teodósio
Weekly - Se a UC for oferecida como opcional, o horário será disponibilizado no 2º semestre
Total - 36
Teaching language
English and Portuguese
Not applicable
• Center for Diseases Control. (2016) Health information for internation travel. 2016 Yellow Book. Oxford University Press. • Travel Medicine. (2013) (3rd ed) Eds Keystone, J.S., Freedman, D.O., Kozarsky, P. E., Connor, B. A., Notddurft, H. D. Chine: Elsevier Sauders. • World Health Organization. (2012) International travel and Health. Disponível em
Teaching method
- Lectures: formal, knowledge transmission from teacher to student; - Theoretic practical classes with discussion of cases; - Tutorials of work to use knowledge and to clarify doubts.
Evaluation method
At the end of the course the students will be evaluated by conducting individual written work.
Subject matter
I. Concept of Travel Medicine. Risk assessment in Travel Medicine; contributing factors (specific features of the traveler and trip). Health problems more often related to travel in tropical areas.