Behavioral Economics and Finance


This course provides a broad overview of the fields of behavioral economics and finance. The focus of the course will be on introducing
and studying biases in decision making within economic and financial contexts, drawing on insights from psychology. Students should leave the course with a better understanding of both the sources of irrational behavior and their consequences for consumers, businesses, and financial markets.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Lenka Fiala


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Compulsory readings: 
Do women shy away from competition? Do men compete too much? (Muriel Niederle, Lise Vesterlund) 2007.
Bubbles and Experience: An Experiment (Martin Dufwenberg, Tobias Lindqvist, and Evan Moore) 2005.

& more TBD

Teaching method

The course will combine standard lectures, interactive in-class experiments, and required course readings and debates about these readings. There will be two homework assignments (in groups) that count together for 40% of the grade.

Evaluation method

Group homework: 2x (40% total)

Final exam (60%)

Subject matter

Main topics include: bounded rationality, overconfidence, prospect theory, loss-aversion, herding, and bubbles.