International Migration
This course addresses issues related to international labor mobility. In particular, it starts by presents the main theoretical frameworks to think about international migration, and follows with the critical discussion of the main empirical questions regarding the determinants and consequences of international worker flows. Questions addressed include: What factors lead to emigration? Who emigrates? Is there really a brain drain for migrant-sending economies? What are the development consequences of emigration for origin economies? Why do people remit? What are the consequences of international migrant remittances? Do host countries of immigration gain or lose as a result of these flows?
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Cátia Batista
Weekly - Available soon
Total - Available soon
Teaching language
Available soon
This course is based on academic articles which will be provided via the online platform.
Teaching method
Class learning will be based on presentations and discussion of recommended readings by the lecturer and students.
Overall learning is expected to happen as students prepare the oral presentation and critical discussion of one of the papers in the reading list, complemented by a written report.
Evaluation method
- Class presentation of one of the marked papers in the syllabus (or a different related paper, subject to approval) in class; [25% of final grade]
- Written referee report on the paper discussed in class (or a different paper, subject to approval); [25% of final grade]
- Final exam. [50% of final grade]
Subject matter
Week 1: Classical models of migration. Determinants of international migration.
Week 2: Consequences of emigration for migrant sending countries. Measurement. The brain drain vs. brain gain debate.
Week 3: Consequences of emigration on wages, the quality of institutions, entrepreneurship, and international trade and investment.
Week 4: Migrant remittances: determinants of giving.
Week 5: Migrant remittances: consequences for the macroeconomy, financial sector, education, investment and entrepreneurship.
Week 6: Consequences of immigration for host countries: wages, employment and entrepreneurship