

The aim of Corporate Strategy & Transformation course is to provide to the Master students a deep understanding of how CEOs design and implement strategies for companies with a portfolio of multi-businesses/multi-geographies and how to develop and execute transformation programs.
During the course several CEOs will be invited to present their companies cases directly to the students.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António Manuel Pereira Bernardo


Weekly - Available soon

Total - Available soon

Teaching language




Various papers presented in classes, for example:

An introduction to Corporate Strategy – A resource based approach;

Corporate Strategy – Resources and Rents;

Creating Corporate Advantage;

The five competitive forces that shape the strategy;

From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy;

Is Private Equity a superior organization form ?



Several papers will be made available in moodle for weekly readings. Cases will also be made available.

Teaching method

The course will be based on a combination of theoretical concepts and real business world examples. Lectures will comprise: articles, case presentations and group discussions.
Students are expected to have a very active participation in class discussions. Working groups of 3 to 4 students will be formed.
CEOs of corporations will be invited for discussion sessions with the students on their real life cases on how they design and implement corporate strategies and also on the execution of transformation programs.

Evaluation method

The final exam counts 50% to the final grade and a minimum grade of 10 over 20 is required. The other 50% of the grade is based on the group cases, individuals' assignments and class participation.

Subject matter

Introduce to the students' analytical tools and solutions which can be used for designing strategies and develop transformation programs for multi-businesses companies, based on the following topics:

•    Definition of types of corporations (holdings), based on the resource continuum
•    The concept of corporate advantage and how corporations add value to their individual businesses
•    Portfolios of related and unrelated businesses and the impact for corporate advantage (eg: vertical integration in the same industry value chain; conglomerates; private equity firms)
•    Industry analysis and business positioning as the source of competitive advantage and its interrelations with corporate strategy
•    Models of corporate organizational structure and main management processes
•    The need to develop corporate transformation programs and how to execute them


Programs where the course is taught: